He tells you he loves you for the first time

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He tells you he loves you for the first time...

Harry - You've been dating Harry for two months, today is your anniversay.  He took you out to a fancy meal, and you had an amazing time.  Just when you didn't think it could get any better, he took you home and set up a blanket in his backyard.  

You were both laying on it looking at the stars in the clear night sky.  It was mid August so the air was warm and you were comfortable.  Music was playing quietly in the background.

The night was so calm, so amazingly clear that you could see evey star there was to see, including the most important star of all; Harry.

He held you in his arms and your head lay on his chest.  You could hear his heartbeat and feel his chest moving up and down with every breath.  You were both silent; listening to the sounds of the night and enjoying each other's presence.

"This is perfect," you breath breaking the silence.  And you meant it; there was nowhere you'd rather be than right here with Harry.

"You're perfect," Harry said, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice.  In fact, his voice was rather serious.

You felt your cheeks burn; everytime he complimented you it made you blush, your stomach twisted and your heart pounded.  Even though you'd been together for two moths, he still have you butterflies.

His arms felt strong and warm around you and you wish he would never let go.  Suddenly, his chest stopped moving up and down like he was holding his breath.  You sat up slightly and gave him a puzzled look.

He was staring up at the sky, a small smile on his face and his eyes sparkling.

"Harry, are you alright babe?" You ask concerned.

"Yeah, I just realized something," he said, moving his gaze to you.  Your eyes met and you see a glint in the emerald green.  A small smile spread across his face as he studied your face.

"What is it?" You ask.

He leans closer to you and takes your face in one hand, holding your waist with the other.  He stared deeply into your eyes and said softly in his deep voice, "I just realized that," he paused to take a deep breath, ",well I love you (Y/N)."

Next thing you knew his lips were on yours, kissing you like he never had before.  With more hunger, passion and pressure, like he needed you to know that he meant it.

When you pulled apart, he rested his forehead on yours and looked into your eyes.  " I love you," he whispered again, his hot breath on your lips.

"I love you too," you say softly and pull him in for another kiss. 

"I was hoping you would say that," he chuckles and winks at you when you pull apart.  He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you down on the blanket beside him.

You spend hours outiside wrapped up in each other, looking at the stars and at each other.  This night truly was perfect now.

Louis - It's your birthday and unfortunately Louis is on tour so you can only see him through video chat.  You're sat on your bed with your laptop and you've been talking for hours about everything you've missed from each other's lives.

Now the conversation has dwindled and you're just pulling weird faces to make each other laugh.  Louis loves hearing your laugh and he just looks at you and smiles brightly as you crack up at the last face he pulled.

"I miss you so much," you tell him, truly meaning it.  There's nothing more you want right now that to feel his touch.  You don't know how much longer you can stand to be without him.

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