Harry and Niall Imagine - Too little too late (requested)

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This imagine was requested by an anon who requested it via tumblr

It's longer than a typical imagine I would write but I had a lot of fun writing this one and got carried away!

Hope you enjoy it xx

Niall's POV.

She's beautiful.

It's almost impossible for me to keep my eyes off her right now, the little red dress she's wearing his taunting me.  She's perfect to me in every way, everything I've ever wanted in someone.

She's kind, funny, sensible, smart, and to top it off she has the most amazing eyes.  I wouldn't hesitate for a second to call (y/n) mine.  The only issue is she's taken by one of my best mates.

I can't keep my eyes off her, but mostly I can't keep my eyes off the way his hand is gripping her waist gently, the way he leans in and whispers in her ear making he laugh or smile.  Harry gets to be so close to her, and I'd give anything to be in his place.

"You alright mate?" Louis nudges me in my arm, shaking me from my thoughts.


"I asked if you were alright? You seem kind of lost over here on your own, enjoy the party! Have a drink!" Louis exclaims and claps me on the back.

"I have been, I'm on my third," I lie, holding up my pint of beer.  He chuckles and shakes his head, leaving me to go join the party.

We're at Harry and (y/n)'s new flat for what they claim is a party to show off their new home.  I almost threw up when she called and invited me.

I still remember the first day I met her, well the day we all met her.  She was assisting at one of our photoshoots and I kept getting yelled at because I wasn't focusing.  It was obvious that she was the one distracting me, everyone knee it.

I thought she liked me too, we hung out for a while and everything but after a bit she started seeing Harry.  I didn't think anything of it, I was too blinded by my feelings for her.  It wasn't until the first time I saw them holding hands, (y/n) leaning into Harry's shoulder, that I realizes I had lost her.  And I kept my mouth shut.

Not this time though, I've kept this to myself long enough.  I don't know if it's all the energy in the room that's pushing me to be drastic, or the fact that I'm holding alcohol, but it doesn't matter.  I'm going to tell her how I feel.

"Niall, where've you been man?" Zayn walks over and sots on the arm of the sofa I've been glued to since the party started.

"Here," I reply as I down my beer.

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