Liam Imagine - Surprise

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Your stomach was twisting and turning and your heart beating was faster by the minute. You were full of anticipation to see him and couldn't wait much longer. Even the thought of his arms around you made you squirm with excitement. You didn't regret this at all.

You and Liam had been dating for 7 months and had spent most of it apart. He was currently on tour in France and you were missing him so much that you decided to surprise him and fly out to meet him.

You had secretly arranged everything with Paul so none of the boys knew you were coming. You were close with them all and wanted to surprise all of them, not just Liam. Paul had given you the key to Liam and Niall's shared hotel room and you were now waiting for them to come back from an interview.

You paced around the room in patiently until you heard a key in the door and froze. You couldn't wait for Liam to walk through that door and see his face. The door opened and you were about to run up to it when-

"(Y/N)?" Harry appeared through the door, a puzzled look on his face that quickly turned into a smile as he came over to give you a hug. You were surprised to see Harry; if not Liam you had expected Niall to walk through the door but you were still happy to see him. "What are you doing here?" He asked when you pulled away.

"I came to surprise you guys - well mostly Liam I guess," you explained. You were still confused as to why Harry was here standing in front of you so you asked, "I thought he was sharing a room with Niall?"

"He is," Harry said simply.

"Then why are you in their room?" You asked slowly.

"This is mine and Louis' room," he chuckled. "I was about to ask you the same question."

"Are you kidding me?" You exclaimed. Harry still had a goofy smile on his face, apparently amused by the whole situation. "Paul gave me the wrong key."

"Liam's next door," Harry said still chuckling. He kissed you on the cheek and showed you out.

This was not the way you had wanted things to go. You couldn't help but feel like Paul had give you the wrong key on purpose as a joke. You could picture him laughing silently to himself and rolled your eyes.

You were walking toward the door of Liam's room when you heard footsteps behind you.

"(Y/N)?" He asked as if he wasn't sure it was you or not. You heard his voice before you turned around.

"Liam!" You shouted and a bright smile spread across his face. The corners of his dark eyes crinkled as you ran towards him.

You jumped into his arms and he spun you around. "What are you doing here?" He asked when he put you down, shaking his head in disbelief that you were actually there.

"I came to surprise you, I missed you," you smiled.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours gently. He kissed you sweetly but hungrily as if he had been waiting forever for this.

"You're amazing," he mumbled against your lips.

"I know," you laughed and he laughed along with you.

"Hey," you turned around to see a sleepy Zayn poking his head out of a door further down the hallway. "Keep it down will you? And hi (Y/N)," he smiled before closing the door.

You and Liam turned back to each other and snickered quietly. You were so glad that you were with him again, you felt complete.

"So, shall we go for lunch?" Liam asked taking your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. You nodded and made your way down the hallway.

His hand in yours felt perfect, like it belonged. You knew you belonged with Liam and you would never forget it.

Thanks for reading!

Anyone catch the song reference?? '...and the proof is in this song...'

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