Your first date

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Your first date

Louis - "Ready love?" He asks you as you walk out into the livingroom wearing the outfit Louis had picked out for you to wear.  It was a black skater skirt and a tight pale pink long sleeve with short nude heels.  You had to admit, he had good fashion sense.

"Yup!" You say to him as you go over and grab his hand.  He was wearing dark blue jeans and a plain white button up shirt.  You get in his car and start driving in silence as the radio plays softly.

"So, where are we going exactly?" You asked for the millionth time.  

Louis glanced over at you smirking, and chuckled.  "For the last time, you'll see when we get there," he told you and placed his hand on your thigh.

It was getting late and but it was summer so the sun was only starting to disappear from the sky.  After about 5 minutes, he pulled up to a house and parked in the driveway.  You sat in your seat and didn't move.  You were back at your house. 

"Um, Lou, did you forget something..?" You asked, confused as to why you were back at your house.

"Nope," He said simply and smiled at you.  He got out of the car and came around to your side to open your door for you.  He held out his hand for you to take, "Coming, babe?" He asked, and you took his hand and got out of the car.

"Louis, what's going on?" You asked, you literally had no idea what he was doing and it was starting to annoy you.  

"Relax, you'll see," he said softly, pressing a small kiss to your temple and rubbing small cricles on your hand.

You started walking towards the front door, but Louis pulled you away and lead you around the side of the house to the gate going through to the backyard.  He held to gate open for you as you passed through.  You walked into the dark backyard and were about to ask him what you were doing here, when suddenly the whole yard lit up.

You stood, your mouth gaping open as you stared at the amazing sight in front of you.  White twinkle lights were hanging from everywhere.  The lights refelcted in the coi pond you had in the yard, making them look like stars.  On the deck was a small table with two chairs set up with candles and a single rose in a vase.  

You walked up to the table, still shocked while Louis pulled out your chair for you and sat himself down accross from you.

"What do you think?" He asked, a nervous smile on his face.

"Baby, this is incredible." You reached across the table and grabbed him hand. "Only you would drive me around the block only to end up back in my own backyard," you giggled and leaned over the table to plant a soft kiss on his lips.  "That's why I love you."

"I love you too," he said, kissing you again. 

You two ate a fabulous dinner that he had cooked himself and enjoyed each others' company along with a few kisses under the twinkle lights.  You couldn't stop thinking of how lucky you were to have such an amazing and creative boyfriend.

Niall -  "You're kidding? You must be kidding!" You exclaimed, not believing your eyes.  You had just finished having dinner at Nandos and were now parked outside a football stadium.  Your boyfriend had just surpised you with tikckets to tonight's game.

"I would never joke about football darling," Niall chuckled, but you knew he was serious.  You leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you," you smiled.

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