Harry Imagine - Love over sorority (requested)

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This imagine is for an anon who request via tumblr! Enjoy x

A beautiful dress and no one to share it with. You didn't want a date for the sorority formal because there was really only one person you wanted to spend it with. It was too bad he wasn't even in the country.

You look at yourself in the mirror once more and sigh. You wished Harry could see you for himself instead of just in pictures. You've never looked more beautiful in your life than tonight and you wanting him to see.

You had tried calling him earlier but there was no answer. He was busy, you got that and didn't blame him. But no matter what, you still wished he was here and that you could talk to him, feel him. You missed him and you weren't sure if you were ready to see all your sisters with their boyfriends and dates when you were alone.

You shake your head and shut your eyes briefly, trying to push out the disappointment than he couldn't be Herr and think about all the fun you'll have with your sisters.

You leave the room where you had all gotten ready together and all your sisters had left one by one to meet their dates. You were the last to leave, and you force a smile as you walk down the hall and into the banquet hall.

The hall is beautiful, crystal chandeliers and soft lights, marble floors and high ceilings. There's a band playing and people mingling, dancing and and laughing. You find yourself smiling at the sight, the energy of the room getting to you. But there's still an empty feeling, an empty feeling that only he can fill.

You wander out onto the dancefloor alone, walking through all the couples and people mingling, trying to make your way to the other side.

Someone grips your arm and you jump in surprise, ready to reject whoever it is for a dance. You spin around with an apologetic smile that quickly changes into a real smile.

"Can I steal a dance from a beautiful girl?" He asks with a bright smile and glowing emerald eyes.

"Harry," you breath, still in shock.

"Hey, babe," he chuckles.

You jump on him and wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to feel him close to you and feel his arms wrapped around you. You breath him in as his face nuzzles into your neck, his lips pressing softly to your skin.

"What are you doing here?" You ask when you pull away, your hands still around his neck.

Harry starts to move with the music playing and you follow his lead.

"We have two days between shows so I convinced Paul to let me fly out. I'm heading back tomorrow night, so we'll be able to spend all day together tomorrow," he explains. "I couldn't miss this. You look stunning, absolutely gorgeous, love."

You blush and rest your head on his shoulder, shutting your eyes in content. You were so lucky to have a boyfriend who cared so much about you. It almost made it easier when he was away because you knew he'd be coming back for you.

The two of you keep dancing, holding each other close and talking about in the things you had missed in each other's lives. People move around you but you don't see them, you only see Harry. You talk for what feels like an eternity, wanting to hear every story and detail of his tour so far, and he anted to know everything you did while he was away.

You laugh and kiss and talk and it's almost like he was never away.

"So, how attached are you to that sorority house?" Harry asks eventually, wrapping both his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him.

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