Harry Imagine - Food court encounter (requested)

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This imagine was requested by Elen ( http://ellen-directioner.tumblr.com ) via tumblr. Hope you enjoy it! xx

You're sat at the mall waiting for your friend so show up so the two of you could do some shopping.

You look around the packed food court, scanning the faces for her but with no luck. You move your eyes to the phone in your hands, desperately looking for something to do.

You feel someone sit down at the table across from you and look hoping to find your friend, but instead you find a boy. He's not anyone you've ever seen before and you would certainly had remembered him if you had.

"Hi," he says, his voice deep and raspy. His smile is perfect and he has dimples that could make anyone's heart flutter.

"Hi.." you say slowly, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. Why is this extremely attractive guy sitting with you.

"What's your name, love?" He asks, running a hand through his dark curls, his beautiful emerald eyes holding your gaze.

Your eyes graze over his face; his every feature perfectly proportioned, his skin smooth and his dark hair bringing out the vivid color in his eyes. Full pink lips that look soft and warm that stretch across perfectly white teeth as he smiles. Your heart picks up pace and you're suddenly nervous.

"Do you need something?" You ask quietly, still trying to figure out why he's sitting with you.

"Not really," he shrugs, leaning back in his chair smirking as his eyes move over you.

"Why are you sitting here then?"

"Why are you?"

Your eyes widen at his unexpected response and he laughs, meaning over the table, folding his hands together. His laugh is lively and makes your stomach twist.

"I'm sorry," he says, still laughing to himself. "I'm Harry."

"I'm Elen," you answer, taking his outstretched hand. His large hand closes around your small one, rough skin and a warm palm.

"Well, Elen," he smiles as he pulls his hand away, "I think you're extremely beautiful."

Your cheeks heat immediately and you know you're blushing. "Th-thanks," you stutter softly, taken aback by his words.

"Harry!" You hear someone call and you both turn around to see a group of boys waving him over.

He holds up a hand to tell them he'll be over shortly and turns back to you.

"I'd like to see you again," he says, his emerald eyes on you making your skin burn.

"You would?" You breath, dumfounded.

"Yeah, I would," he tells you, giving you a lopsided smile. "I saw you from across the food court and I literally could not look away from you. I know that if I don't make sure that I can have a chance to see you again, I'll go insane. Would you be up for seeing me?"

You nod your head, not trusting your voice, as he pulls out his phone and hands it to you.

"I look forward to using this number," he says softly, his voice low and smooth. He leans over the table, taking your hand in his and pressing his lips gently to it.

He stands to turn away, giving your one last smirk and a wink before leaving. You're left sitting alone, heart pounding and mind reeling over what just happened.

You can only hope you'll see Harry again, you wouldn't complain if you did.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Sorry it's a little short but I thought it was cute xx

If you want to request a preference or imagine, read the previous post titled REQUESTS to find out how!

Don't forget to be specific when you request!!!!

Also, check out my One Direction fan fiction Dreams or Reality :)

Everything posted here on my Wattpad account is also posted on my 1D tumblr blog, link below.


http://la-yers.tumblr.com (personal)

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