You and your best friend both like him

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You and your best friend both like him...

Quick note! (y/b/n) stands for your best friend's name xx

SPOILER ALERT!! You and your best friend both like him but he likes you :)

Niall - "Isn't he just the cutest?" (y/b/n) coos, resting her chin in her hand as she watches the blond headed boy from across the food court.

"Niall? Yeah, he's okay..." you shrug, trying not to pay too much attention.

Truthfully, you thought Niall was more that just the cutest. You thought he was perfect, but you could never admit it. (y/b/n) would probably never forgive you if you liked him too, and you wouldn't want to complicate your friendship over a boy. It wasn't worth it. At least that's what you told yourself.

"Okay? How can you say that, he's beautiful!" She gasps, looking at you like you're insane.

You were close to going mental. You hated the way she always focused on guys' appearances and not anything else. It didn't bug you as much when she did it with other guys, but when she did it with Niall it irked you. There was so much more to him than anyone could see. Although you did agree, he was beautiful.

"There's more to people than looks you know..." you mutter under your breath and glace over your shoulder at the boy you wasted all your time thinking of.

"Oh, so now you're the expert on Niall Horan?" (y/b/n) scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Seriously, do you not like him or something, is that what this is?"

"No, I just..." you sigh frustrated and look down at your hands. "I mean, do you not see anything else except his looks? There's so much more to him... He's hilarious and has the most unique laugh I've ever heard. He has the sweetest accent and he has the most amazing singing voice. He can play guitar and he writes songs... he's the sweetest person. Do you not see that?"

The words flow out of you and you're not able to stop it. Niall made your head spin round and made you forget the world around you. He was so easy to get sucked into, and you had clearly fall hard.

You finally look up at (y/b/n) and her eyes are wide. She isn't looking at your though, she's looking just over your shoulder. Before you ask her what's wrong you,re startled by a voice sounding in your ear.

"What else do you like about me," Niall's soft voice says, sending shivers down your spine.

"I - I just... I was only..." you stutter, turning around to find Niall had moved to sit at the table behind you. You feel your cheeks heat and know you must be beat red.

Niall simply smiles softly, his ice blue eyes kind and holding your gaze.

"Don't worry, love. There are plenty of things I like about you too," he smiles and give you a wink before standing up and returning back to his friends.

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