Niall Imagine - I'll take care of you (requested)

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This imagine is for Alicia ( ) who requested it via tumblr. I hope this brings those thoughts you had into somewhat of a reality! Good luck with everything girl x much love

"Anything you need Alicia?" He asks as he climbs into the small hospital bed with you and wraps an arm around you. He presses a kiss to your temple and holds you close.

"No, babe. I just need some rest," you say, turning your head to smile up at him. He smiles back and pecks your lips causing you to smile more.

Niall's been here since before you got your surgery two days ago and only left twice since then. He stayed and waited during the surgery, sat by your bed while you slept and held your hand. He'd talk to you all day, make sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed. You were the luckiest girl.

"Niall, you should go home and rest," you sigh happily as you shut your eyes and lean into his chest. Another wave of exhaustion was coming over you and you knew it was only a matter of minutes before you were asleep.

"No, I'll stay right here. Right here with you," he coos, cuddling you closer. His fingers run up and down your arm lighting causing goosebumps to raise on your skin. "Besides, they're discharging you today and I'll be here to take you home."

You nod sleepily and and smile before you're pulled under and give into sleep. You can feel Niall's chest rising and falling beneath you and the sound of his heart.


You wake up and prop yourself up in bed, squinting around the dark room. It took you a while to figure out you were home and realize Niall was asleep right next to you. He was snoring quietly, his eyelashes resting on his cheeks delicately and his strong arms were wrapped around you.

You smile down at him and run a hand through his bleached hair. He stirs, his eyes fluttering open and meeting yours. He grins sleepily and you kiss the top of his as he sits up next to you, nuzzling his face into your neck lovingly.

"Welcome home princess," he whispers, his breath tickling your skin. "Anything hurt?"

You shake your head no and he smiles against your skin.

"How did you get me here?" You giggle as he pulls away and kisses your shoulder.

"Carried you," he shrugs and you shake your head in amazement.

"Niall, you've done so much for me. You do too much -"

"No I don't, it's never too much. I love you, it's my job to look after you Alicia." He shakes his head like a child and kisses your nose. "So, are you hungry or thirsty? I'm sure you're craving anything but hospital food right about now."

You laugh and curl up against him. "Maybe later, right now I just want to enjoy the comfort of my own bed and have you beside me."

"Want to watch a movie?" He asks, climbing out of bed.

"Niall, didn't I just say I wanted you beside me?" You laugh and watch his playful smirk cover his face and he picks a movie.

He chooses your favorite movie and crawls back in bed with you, pulling you close to him and wrapping you in blankets and fluffing up your pillow. He was so sweet, wanting you to be perfectly happy and you thanked him over and over in your mind. You couldn't imagine going through this without him.

"You're so amazing, I love you," you mumble and look up to find his clear blue eyes staring down at you, shining brightly.

"Don't worry babe, I'll take care of you always," he says quietly, his smile kind and gentle.

"I know you will," you smile back and wrap a hand around the back of his neck, pulling his down on top of yours.

Sorry it's so short but I thought it was super cute!!!!

Hope you enjoyed it!

If you want to request a preference or imagine, read the previous post titled REQUESTS to find out how!

Don't forget to be specific when you request!!!!

Also, check out my One Direction fan fiction Dreams or Reality :)

Check out my Harry Styles fan fiction One. and the sequel Unknown.!!

Everything posted here on my Wattpad account is also posted on my 1D tumblr blog, link below. (personal)

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