You escape the cold winter weather

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You escape the cold winter weather...

Harry - "Babe."

You don't answer, your nose buried deep in your book.


You sigh and ignore him, wanting to finish your book in peace.  You've only been sat at the poolside for five minutes.  Harry had promised to leave you alone as he had a book of his own to read, but for some reason he decided five minutes of silence was enough.

"Baby," he whines, climbing off his chair and joining you on yours.  He plucks your book from your hands and folds the corner of the page, handing it back to you.

"Yes?" You sigh, faking a smile and looking up him.

"Can we do something?"

"I was doing something, Harry," you giggle, opening your book again.  He takes it from you once more and throwsnit next to his on his deserted chair.

"Something together," he rolls his eyes, reaching out and lifting your sunglasses off your face so he can see your eyes.

You sqiunt in the sun and look back at his smiling and tanned face, his eyes bright in the sun.  You couldn't ask for a better Christmas than this one alone with Harry.  Of course you missed your family and the holiday feeling, but the two of you were rarely alone and deserved time away from your crazy life together.

"Fine," you droll sarcastically, letting a smirk reach your lips.  He smiles smugly back at you and you roll your eyes giggling.  "What shall we do?"


"Harry! No!" You shout, hitting his back and kicking your legs.  You laugh nontheless, you hair hanging down and blocking your view.  You can hear him laughing loudly and imagine his eyes sparkling with mischief. 

Next thing you know his arms release you and you hit the water, begung submerged into the warmth.  You pio out, wiping your eyes and the hair from your face to see Harry standing outside the pool laughing.

"You little -"  You start, but he jumps in after you, splashing water in your direction as he does.

You glare at him when he surfaces, running a hand over his face and pushing his dark hair off his forehead.  His skin glistening in the sunlight, drops of water dripping over him and his eyes and bright and his smile as wide as ever.

He approaches you, standing in front of you and starting down as you glare back at him.  He laughs quietly, hands grasping your arms and pulling you closer to him.

"Isn't this better than the snow and cold?" He asks, his nose nudging your cheek.  Goosebumps raise on your arms from his touch and you shake your head.

"It was until you threw me in," you pout.

He smiles widely, his dimples popping, and leans in to kiss your wet lips.  Your smile against him, your cheek flaming at his affection. 

"Don't lie to me, you like being manhandled," he mumbles and grabs you by the waist, pulling you into him further.

Liam - You sigh as you watch Liam purse his lips and furrow his eyebrows, the white papers in his hands gleaming in the sun.  He hasn't taken his dark eyes off them for the entire three days you've been on the island.

"Liam," you call to him from the pool.

He looks up briefly and gives you a halfhearted smile before retuning to his paperwork.  You snort and roll your eyes, climbing out of the pool and over to his chair.

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