He gets a tattoo for you

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He gets a tattoo for you...

Niall - "No, you don't have to.  Honestly, I -"

"No, I want to do this," he says softly, gripping your hand and squeezing it lovingly, looking up at you with clear blue eyes.

You sigh and smiling back as you stand beside the chair and run a hand through his soft hair, watching him grin under your touch.

You look down at the smooth skin of his left shoulder, pure and untainted milky skin.  You run the tips of your fingers over it getting one last touch before it's punctured by a needle and printed with black ink.

"There's nothing I can say -" you start, but Niall shakes his head, knowing exactly what you were going to say.

"I want to do this.  People always wondered how I never fell into the habit of getting tattoos after all the guys started getting them.  It's because I never had anything important enough to keep with me forever and permanently.  But now," he explains, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing it softly, "I do."

Heat rises to your cheeks and you lean down to kiss Niall's cheek, then his soft lips and finally his bare shoulder.  Just as you pull back, the tattoo artist transfers the stencil of the date you two started dating onto Niall's arm.

"You're sure?" You ask again and he chuckles quietly.

"Of course I am babe.  I've gone long enough without a tattoo, you think I'd get one without completely thinking it over and over thinking it again?"

You laugh at how serious he is but the smile on his face is always lingering.

"How long have you been thinking about it?" You ask curiously.

"Since this day," he says and points to the stencil on his shoulder.

You sigh, closing your eyes and shaking your head.  You want to badly to stop him, but he's so set in his ways.  He wants to do this for you.  So instead of stopping him, you simply kiss him.

"I love you," you mumble in his ear as the whir of the needle fills the small room.

"I love you more," he whispers against your ear, gripping your hand tightly as the needle is pressed to his skin.

Louis - "Babe!"


"Come here, I've got a surprise for you!"

You drop the laundry you're folding, happy for an excuse to leave it.  You bound down the steps with a smile on your face, the reminder that Louis is finally home making you happier than ever.  You meet him at the bottom of the steps, kiss his smirking lips gently and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Hello beautiful," he says softly and kisses your nose.  "Want to see what I've got for you?"

You nod but are slightly confused when Louis steps back and starts to unbuckle his belt and undo the button on his pants.  At first you think that maybe, this being Louis after all, he could be trying to lure you into a bit of fun but then you see the small bandage on his hip.

"A... Tattoo?" You ask, stepping closer.

Louis nods, "Take a look, love."

You close the remainder of the space between the two of you and reach out, grabbing the corner of the bandage gently and pulling it off slowly.  Under the bandage where Louis' tanned skin used to be unmarked now lies two small black letters.

"My initials?" You whisper, raising your eyebrows and meeting his deep blue eyes.  They look back at you softly and you can't help but smile, running your fingers gently over the slightly reddened skin of his hip.

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