He talks about you in and interview

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He talks about you in an interview...

Louis - You had recently started dating Louis when you had met him in New York after his tour.

You were sat watching an interview that had been trending on tumblr of the boys at a movie premier they had been to.

"So Louis, word is you have a new girlfriend?" The interviewer asks raising her eyebrows.

Louis nods, a smile on his face. "Yes, the rumors are true," he jokes.

"We've all seen pictures of her but since she's not someone people had likely heard of before she met you, I think we'd all like to know what she's like?"

"Oh she's incredible. Really funny, always nice. She supports my career and is really calm about me being away and that. She's a great girl," he tells the interviewer, his smile never leaving his face. "Did I mention she's beautiful?"

"She sounds lovely. Now this is a fairly new relationship, where do you see this going?"

"I can't really say just yet, but I can tell you that I hope we work out and that she's around for a long time. We're great together and I know I'd be more happy if she stayed in my life."

Harry - Harry had been away on tour and some rumors had surfaced about him supposedly cheating on you while he was on the road.

You guys had been public for about a month now. You were watching an interview of Harry at the AMA's where he talked about it.

"So there have been some rumors recently that I'm sure you're aware of?" the interviewer asks.

"Yes and I'm not too happy about it," Harry replies frowning.

"Well I'm sure (Y/N)'s not too happy about then either. How does she deal with all the rumours she hears about you while you're away?"

"It's awful that she even has to deal with it, I mean I feel terrible that she has all this pressure on her because of me. But I think she handles it very well, better than I would expect her to. She never jumps to conclusions or anything and always talks to me if something's bugging her," Harry explains running a hand through his curls thoughtfully.

"It must be hard to talk about things when you're apart. How often do you talk while you're away?"

"Everynight. I don't think I've missed a night since I left home and that makes things a lot easier because we can talk thibgs through as they come, before they've escalated. She's amazing, so strong. I don't think anyone could be as sensible as she is, she's just incredible."

Liam - You and Liam have been dating for around five months and you're both doing really well.

You were watching an interview of the guys in Italy when they were asked about their celebrity crushes.

"I don't really have one at the moment," Liam said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Are just not saying anything because of (Y/N)?" The interviewer teased.

Liam laughs, "No, even if I did she wouldn't mind. She's a really great sport."

"What does she think about other people having you as their celebrity crush?"

"She finds it really sweet I think. She's always pointing out tweets from fans on twitter that she finds cute. She's really a sucker for love, and the fact that she doesn't take much too seriously is great. She loves it when she sees pictures of me with fans or when people come up to us and talk to me and tell me they like me and stuff. She's just been fabulous with everything that comes with my career, she's incredible."

Zayn - You and Zayn have just gone public and are all the rage. Your ship name is plastered all over the internet.

You were in the studio while Zayn was in an interview with E! news.

"Do you know what (Y/S/N) is?" The interviewer questions.

"Yeah I know what it is. It's mine and (Y/N)'s names mashed together," he chuckles.

"And this name was created a while ago, before you two went public. How do you think the fans have responded to you two offically dating?"

"Um, well I think they've guessed it for a while which was probably good because it wasn't a surprise or anything like that. I think the fans are amazing and they've just been supportive which is great. They love her too, like I'll see pictures of her with fans when I wasn't even with her. But how can you not love her? I mean she's amazing, beautiful, funny. She just makes a great impression on people and I think that's why the fans have been so fantastic. She just makes everyone melt," he turns to look at you off camera, "including me."

Niall - You and Niall have been together almost a year and it was public that the two of you were having a few problems.

You were watching an interview he did when the boys had performed on The XFactor where he was asked about it.

"So it's been said everywhere that you and (Y/N) aren't in the best of places when it comes to your relationship right now. Is that true?" The interviewer asks shoving the mic at Niall.

"Um, I guess you could say that," he says truthfully.

"How do you think this will affect the two of you, especially with the media always butting in?"

"I like to think the media doesn't have an effect on us. We're our own unit away from it, and our problems are ours to deal with. Every relationship has it's rough patches and we've always pulled through ours. I can't see us splitting up or anything because we're just too good together. She's exactly what I want in a girl, perfect, and I'm not willing to let her leave without fighting for her."

"So you two are really serious then?"

"Well it's been almost a year we're together," Niall laughs, "so yeah we are. She's not someone you can only stay with for a short while. She's just everthing I could ever ask for, just amazing. She's the one you want to keep forever, she's my princess."

Thanks so much for reading!!

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