You go to the beach

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You go to the beach...

 Zayn - "This is amazing," you sigh. You're perfectly content and relaxed, tanning on a beach in Italy while the boys are on tour. The best part is that your boyfriend Zayn is lying right next to you and that you guys are finally spending time together alone. 

Thankfully the fans and paparazzi were gracious enough to give you two your space so you could enjoy your day alone and in peace.  

"Yeah, it really is," Zayn replies, reaching out across the sand to you and resting his hand on your back. He rubs small circles up and down your spine giving you chills. You sit in silence for a while until Zayn's hand freezes on your back. 

"What's wrong babe?" You ask him, turning your head to the side so you can see his face. His eyes are wide and his jaw is hanging open slightly. 

"There's a - a," he stutters and starts to stand up from the sand. 

"A what?" You ask and flip over so you're sitting upright. You follow his gaze and notice a cute little hermit crab making it''s way across the sand. You reach over and pick it up to look at it closer. 

"Babe, no. Put that thing down," Zayn whines, backibg away. 

"Why? He's so cute!" You stand up and hold the crab out to him but he continues to back away. "Zayn, are you seriously scared of this little thing?" You tease drawing closer to him. 

He backs away steadily, not taking his eyes off the crab. "I'm not scared, it just creeps me out. Like its pinchers are weird." 

Zayn keeps backing away from you and you're enjoying watching him squirm that you just notice he's backing up where your bags are sitting in the sand.  

"Zayn, watch out! You're gonna-" you call but it's too late. He topples backwards over your stuff and you can't help but burst out laughing. 

Zayn sits up and ruffles his hair. "Would you stop laughing? And put that stupid thing down yeah?" He rollls his eyes and you know you've embarassed him. 

You put down the crab and go sit next to him in the sand. You rest your cheek on his shoulder and mumble, "I''m sorry love." 

"Sure you are," he turns you and chuckles. He leans in and kisses you softly and you know you're forgiven.

Louis - "WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH!!!" Louis yells obnoxiously loud. The people around you turn to look at you and roll their eyes, clearly not happy at the noise while they're trying to relax. 

You, on the other hand can't help but laugh, "Louis, shush!" 

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!" He exclaims grabbing your hand and pulling you into a run until you reach the perfect spot in the sand. 

You set up your towel and lay down, eager to relax a bit. You pull out your book and read while Louis sits back and enjoys the sun. 

He's quiet for a bit which is unusual because he usually cannot stop talking, but you're grateful for a chance to have some peace and quiet. 

"Love?" He asks eventually in a sweet voice. 

"Hmm?" You respond only half listening because you're reading. 

"Let's go in the water!" Louis exclaims and jumps up reafy to go. 

"You can, I'd like to just read for now," you say simply. 

Next thing you know Louis is grabbing your book out of your hands and leans right into you, a pout on his face. "Please?" He asks. 

"Not right now babe." 

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