Harry Imagine - Leap of faith (requested)

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This imagine was requested by Claire ( http://little-flashes.tumblr.com ) via tumblr. Hope you enjoy it!

"Baby, please," Harry asks sweetly, his deep voice floating over to you through the still air.  His emerald eyes reflect the waters surface as he looks at you from the middle of the pond.

His hair is jet black from being wet which makes his shining eyes stand out even more than usual.  His hair hangs down on his forehead, dripping water down his face before he pushes it back with one hand. 

The deepest part of the water, where Harry is standing right now, comes halfway up his torso.  Beads of water cover his chest making him glisten in the afternoon sun, making patterns on his skin like the swirls of black ink.

"Claire," he calls after he gets no response.  His voice is soft, the only sound in the air.  The two of you are on your own in the middle of nature.

You shake your head no and his shoulders fall.  He sighs and makes his way over to the bank of the pond where you are standing peering out over the water.  As he gets closer the water level drops, stopping just above the band of his shorts.

He holds a hand out to you.  "Please love," he says, his eyes concentrated on yours.  "Just get in, we'll have fun," he says softly and gives you a playful wink.

You laugh and shake your head again.  "As appealing as that is, I'm going to have to pass," you tell him and take a few steps away from the bank.

"This was supposed to be romantic.  Some time for just the two of us to spend together," he says and pouts, trying to persuade you using his adorable habits.

"And it is, babe.  I love that you brought me here and wanted to spend time alone," you smile, but he continues to pout.

"It's not really spending time together if I'm in here and you're out there," he points out, motioning to you standing on the bank of the pond.

"Sure it is," you say.

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Please, baby you're killing me here," he whines and you try to hide your smile. "I need you to join me, the water's lovely."

Once again you shake your head and press your lips together while you watch him.

"Oh come on, why not?  Are you scared?" He asks seriously, his eyebrows furrowed as he tries to figure out why you won't join him.

"No, I just don't want to get my clothes wet," you shrug, folding your arms over your chest and shifting your weight nervously from one foot to the other.

Harry's expression softens as he sees through your lie and he offers you a lopsided smile.

"Do you trust me?" His voice is low and raspy, his eyes still holding your gaze firmly. 

"Of course," you whisper and bite your bottom lip as your nerves grow.

"Then you have to believe me when I say there's nothing to be afraid of.  I'm right here, I won't let you go." His voice is low and his words make your heart beat faster.

You would trust Harry with your life, no doubt. If he's promising not to let you go then it can't be that bad. You take a deep breath and take a step forward toward the edge of the bank.  Harry smiles widely at you, his dimples visible.

"Sit," he instructs gently.  You comply and lower yourself so you're sitting on the edge of the pond, your legs dangling in the warm water.  He was right, the water is lovely.

He moves closer to you to stand between your legs.  He places both his large hands on your waist, gripping you tightly.  He looks up at you, his eyes sparkling and a smile still present on his pink lips.

"Ready?" He whispers, and you nod gripping his arms.  He smiles and lifts you off the bank by your waist and lowers you into the water in front of him.

Your arms immediately go around his neck and he uses one hand to guide your legs to wrap around his waist.  He moves his hands to your lower back, holding you tightly to his bare chest.

"See love, it's not so bad is it?" He asks, pressing his forehead to yours.

"No, I guess not," you smile.  "Thank you for driving us out here Harry," you say and kiss his nose lightly.

"You're welcome, I'd do anything for you Claire.  But I think I deserve more than just a kiss on the nose," he smirks and you laugh quietly.

His soft lips meet yours, warm and wet from the water, and you kiss him back immediately.  Your lips move in sync and all the worries you initially had melt away into his kiss.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it xx

If you would like to request a preference or imagine, please read the post titled REQUESTS to find out how!

Also check out my One Direction fan fiction Dreams or Reality :)

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