Niall Imagine - Frozen (requested)

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Requested by an anon on tumblr x


He doesn't listen as he continues to rumage through the closet, his mind clearly somewhere else.

"Niall," you say again, but again he doesn't listen.

You fold your arms and sit on the bench in the foyer, watching him with a small smile. His head is deep in the closet, his bum sticking out in front of you and you can't lie that you enjoy the view. You can hear him mumbling to himself as he looks for your biggest, warmest scarf.

"Ha!" He exclaims finally, pulling out the wool scarf from the depth of the closet. "There she is," he smirks triumphantly.

You roll your eyes and can't help but laugh at his bright smile and squinted blue eyes as he holds the scarf like a prize above his head.

"Babe, I would have been fine without it," you tell him but he shakes his head.

"I don't want to take a chance, it's below freezing out there."

Niall could never be too careful when it came to winter. Since you were allergic to the cold, it was crucial that you kept warm. On one occasion you had underestimated the temperature and had ended up with swollen cheeks and blisters. Niall stayed in with you and kept you warm, but since then he always made sure to keep you wrapped up tight when you left the house.

The scarf gets wrapped securely around your neck by warm hands while you pout playfully. He chuckles at your expression and kisses your pouting lips before proceeding to get his coat on.

"Where's your hat?" You ask, noticing that he's got nothing but a coat and a thin pair of gloves while you're bundled up to the neck in a thick weather, mitts, a tuque and now a scarf.

"I don't need it, babe," he shrugs.

You tilt your head and fold your arms again, watching as his eyebrows furrow in confusion. You stare him down but he simply looks back at you blankly and shrugs.

"Nialler, I'm not going out there looking like I'm dressed for a trek through the tundra if all you're wearing is a coat," you state firmly.

"Tundra?" He smirks, but sighs and heads back to the closet to retrieve his hat. "Happy?"

"I'd say yes, but I'm really not," you admit as you pull on your boots.

"Why's that?" He asks, sitting next to you on the bench and taking your chin in his hand. He pulls your face to his and kisses his nose, his eyes holding your gaze the way they always do when he's concerned.

You sigh and lean into him, his arms finding their way around you. You can hardly move under all the layers but he holds you close anyways.

"I hate having to do this. Dress like this, I mean," you whine and feel his chest shake under you as he chuckles quietly. "Shut up," you mutter and whack him in the chest.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he chuckles. "What's up?"

"I feel like a five year old being dressed by her father to go play in the snow. Every time we get places I'm peeling off a million layers and all our friends are dressed in next to nothing," you explain.

"They wear coats -"

"But I wear a sweater, a parka, a scarf, a hat and mitts. Not to mention the boots," you add, pointing down to your feet. "I feel like an idiot."

Niall shakes his head, lifting your chin so you're looking him in the eyes, his face inches from yours. His warm breath fans over your face and his lips quirk up in the corner as he looks at you.

"You are and idiot," he says and your roll your eyes while he chuckles. "But, you don't look like one. I think it's quite cute, actually. You're cuddly when you're all dressed up like this."

You giggle as his lips press to your forehead, their warmth on your skin all the comfort you need. He holds you close to him, kissing your face until you're in a fit of giggles trying to push him off of you.

"Want to go?" He asks quietly, kissing your cheek gently for the last time, and you nod.

"Oh, and one more thing," you say just as Niall's hand reaches the doorknob. He raises his eyebrows, prompting you to go on. "I have to pee."

You watch his face fall, unimpressed. His hand drops from the doorknob and he folds his arms, his eyes narrowed and you suppress a smile.

"Now?" He asks simply and you nod. "Didn't I tell you to go earlier?"

"Yeah, but -"

"Hold it," he says and pulls the door open.

"Do you want me to piss on your leather seats, Niall?" You challenge knowing he's only playing tough.

He freezes, turns his head back to you with a wide smirk and sighs loudly. You laugh as you start undressing to go to the bathroom as he watches with a wide smile and shaking his head in amusement.

"You're unbelievable," he says with a small laugh.

You only smile and kiss his cheek, your lips trailing over his ear. "I love you too."

He laughs, shaking his head before kissing your lips and ushering you off to the washroom so he can bundle you up once more.

Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed the winter cuteness!!

It's pretty short but it's also half midnight aha x

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