Louis Imagine - For the one hundred and first time

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"Baby, please come to bed?" Louis asks softly through the dark.  His voice is strained and quiet.

"No," you whisper and more tears begin to flood down your face.  You wipe them furiously and press the blanket to your lips to muffle your sobs.

You feel the sofa dip and you desperately want to kick Louis off, but you don't have the energy.  It's three in the morning and you and Louis had been fighting since he got home at eight, only stopping when he marched upstairs a couple hours ago.

You weren't fighting for any reason, none at all.  That's just what you two did, you fought and made up a thousand times over.  The pressure on your relationship is generally what caused it; fans, media, rumors.  All of it was crap.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, feeling for your face in the dark and brushing your cheek with his gentle fingers.  "I know all of this is hard on you and I hate having to drag you into my career.  If it was up to me, I'd hope you leave me and find someone who can take care of you proper.  Because clearly I can't," he says, the last part barely audible.

More tears fall from your eyes, "Louis," you croak, "don't say that."

It breaks your heart when he talks like that, when he doesn't think he's good enough for you.  You know the only reason he says it is because he cares about you and wants you to have the best all the time.

"I mean it.  You're not happy with me-"

"Of course I am," you cut him off, moving to sit upright so you're face to face with him.  Your eyes adjust to the dark and all you can see is Louis' pained expression, his deep blue eyes filled with dread. "I wouldn't be happy without you." You cup his cheek in your hand and he presses it further into your palm.

"You're not happy when we argue, which never seems to stop.  Look where we are (Y/N), you're on the couch crying.  You're crying over me when you shouldn't be crying at all.  I should be making you smile," he says sadly.

"You do, Lou.  You make me laugh, and smile and love being with you.  This is just something we have to work through and it's hard because you're always away and we have to listen to constant opinions on our relationship," you say softly.

"I know, but this is what I mean.  You shouldn't have to deal with that, we shouldn't have to deal with that." He closes his eyes and rubs a hand over his face, he looks exhausted.

"It's worth it... I knew what being with you would mean, I prepared myself.  I'd rather deal with this than not be with you," you smile softly and run your hand through his soft hair.

 "Aren't you getting tired of all this... of me? It makes you so upset, and baby we've been here before.  We've done this a hundred times over."

"And I'd gladly do it a hundred and one times if it kept me with you," you whisper and lean forward to connect your lips with his.

His soft lips kiss you lovingly and he holds your face gently, holding you against him.  The saltiness from both your tears remind you how much you have been through and how much you will continue to push through until you're both free from the judgment of people who have really have no right to judge.

"I love you (Y/N), so, so much," he mumbles against your lips.

"I love you too," you whisper.

"Come to bed?" Louis asks again softly, running his hand through your hair.

You nod and he scoops you up into his strong arms, holding you close to his warm body and carries you up the stairs.  You fall asleep in his arms before you even hit the mattress.

thanks for reading!

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