He forgets your birthday (requested)

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This preference was requested by @irishyouwerebritishh , hope you enjoy it!

Liam - "Morning beautiful," Liam mumbles, his voice raspy from just having woken up.

"Good morning Li," you smile, leaning over to peck his lips.

You turn on your side so that you're facing him, the fluffy white blankets surrounding you.  You smile as you take in his face, his gorgeous brown eyes, his perfect nose and pink lips.

"So what's the plan for today?" You ask as you trace the lines of his abs lightly.

"Well I have to get going around eleven to meet the guys, and I invited them over for dinner tonight," he tells you casually.

"Oh, okay..." you say confused. 

You and Liam have been together for two years and of all the times you've celebrated your birthday together, he's wanted to be alone with you.  Now suddenly he was ditching you for the day and bringing his friends back for dinner?

"We'll be back quite late though love," Liam continued, "you don't have to wait up.  We'll probable just order."

"Oh," you said again. 

So now he was leaving you all day and you wouldn't see him until tomorrow morning?  It was almost as if he - no, he wouldn't forget your birthday.  Right?

Liam gets out of bed without another word and walks to the bathroom.  You prop yourself up on your elbows waiting for him to come back and tell you he was joking, that he actually had a romantic dinner planed or something.  But you heard the shower start to run and you knew that wasn't happening.  Liam had forgotten your birthday.

You get out of bed and walk into the steamy bathroom, taking a seat on the counter.

"Babe?" Liam calls from behind the shower curtain, probably having heard the door open.

"Yeah, I'm here," you tell him. 

You twiddle your thumbs in your lap wondering how you might approach this.  You weren't mad, just taken off guard because Liam never forgot birthdays or anniversaries or anything.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Um, I was just wondering what day it was?" You ask stupidly.  You couldn't just tell him that he had forgotten your birthday, that would be no fun.

"I believe it's March the nineteenth," he says.  You wait a moment to see if that sparked his memory, but he says nothing.

"You know what? I never really liked this day too much," you say as you draw pictures on the steamy mirror with your finger.

"And why's that?"

"Well I always seem to get a lot of call, texts and e-mails.  It's rather annoying.  People even tweet me, all your fans!"

"Really?" Liam asks, his voice skeptical.

"Yeah, really.  And they all say the same thing..."

"Which is what?"

"Liam," you know he's clearly not catching on, "it's March the nineteenth babe," you laugh at his cluelessness.

You let your words hang in the air for a minute, the only sound coming from the running water.  Eventually the water abruptly shuts off and you hear a faint gasp.  

You pull your knees to your chest and giggle as Liam pokes his head around the shower curtain, his eyes wide.

"It's your birthday," he says as if he's still processing the thought.

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