He admits to being in love with someone else (Part Three)

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He admits to being in love with someone else (Part Three)...

Liam - You slide down against the back of the door to the floor, hugging your knees against your chest, sobbing uncontrollably.  You're angry and upset that Louis and Niall would bring Liam to you, but you're more upset when you look at him, reminded of everything you had and how easily it slipped away.

"(Y/N)?" Liam calls softly through the door, knocking lightly.  You stay silent even though you're sure your sobs are loud enough to hear through the door. 

You hear him sigh, and hear the sound of him sliding down the door on the other side, a small thud when he rests his head on it.  "I didn't mean that," he sighs.  "I didn't mean that I don't know why I went back, I do know but what I don't know is why I felt that way, I..." he stops and take in a deep breath.  "I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, I've only been thinking of the mess I made and I'm so stupid because..."

You wait patiently, the tears still flowing but slowly stopping, your breathing shaky but slowly calming.  You know why you're giving him a chance to explain; you love him and nothing could change that.

"I was scared," Liam says quietly through the door.  You wait.  "I was scared that I was... that I was falling too fast, falling in love with you too fast I didn't know if I was good enough for you.  I was afraid that the more I loved you, the more it would hurt if you ever left.  So I guess I left before you could..."

You're shocked, nothing less than stunned to hear what he has to say.  You can't help but believe him, his voice so plain and all the emotions raw and easily heard.  You need to see him to be sure.

"I'm so sorry babe... I love you and only you.  I promise I'll love you as much as you need and as long as you want me.  I don't care if we don't last forever because at least I'll have you for a little while."

You're on your feet but only long enough to open the door before you fall back to the ground next to Liam, waisting no time burying your face in his chest and taking him in; his warmth, his comfort, his love.

"I love you, don't ever think that I love you any less than you love me," you tell him, tears still falling but for a different reason.  You feel relieved, the lonely nights and empty beds are no more.  You didn't lose anything because it's all right here in front of you, holding you tightly in strong arms.

He holds you close, connecting your lips and you feel all the angst and worry, the pain and the dread disappear.  "I love you," he mutters against your lips.

"I know."

Louis - You hear the door open and hushed voices coming from down the hall.  They grow louder and feet shuffle, an argument obviously occurring.

"She doesn't want to see you," Harry's voice echoes as footsteps grow near each second.  Your stomach knots, knowing exactly what's going on and you pull your legs up onto the sofa, curling yourself up to try and hold yourself together.

But you don't understand it; he met someone else, he loves someone else, he didn't fight for you.  So why is he here now?

Before you have a chance to figure it out, Louis is stood in front of you breathing heavily, cheeks flushed.  His dark blue eyes stare down at you on the sofa, his eyebrows pulled together and his expression apologetic.  Harry enters the room, his shirt hanging crookedly on his body as if someone had grabbing him by the collar.  His eyes flicker from Louis and back to you, eyebrows raised in question.

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