He invites you onstage

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He invites you on stage...

Niall - "So as some of you may know, I have a girlfriend," Niall says and the crowd erupts into screams. 

"Did they know that Niall?" Louis teases, putting a hand on his hip.

"Our fans know everything Lou, whether we like it or not," he says which makes the rest of the guys laugh as well as you from backstage.

It's your first time seeing him perform on tour and you've been watching the entire show from backstage with the rest of the crew.  Of course they are all busy running around, but you're sat at the edge of the stage watching your blonde boyfriend perform.

"What about her Niall?" Harry asks, sounding suspiciously rehearsed.

"Well Harry, I'll tell you what," Niall says, sounding rehearsed now too.  You furrow your eyebrows, not sure what's going on, "I see her right over there," he says, turning to point in your direction.

You give him a small wave and blow him a kiss.

"She's here?  Like, here here?" Zayn asks, his eyebrows raised dramatically.

"Yeah, she's right over there," Niall says again, pointing more exaggeratedly in your direction.

"Wait, wait, wait," Liam chimes in, walking across the stage and making his way directly to you.  "Over here?" He asks once he's almost reached you.

"Yeah, I see her too," Harry says, looking over to you and shielding the the top of his eyes.  "HI (Y/N)!" He shouts, lifting both his arms over his head.

Liam, who's now crossed the entire stage, comes offstage and takes your hand.  By now, you're utterly confused by what's going on, and no doubt laughing loads.  You open your mouth to speak but Liam beats you to it.

"How you doing love?  Ready for your debut?"

"Liam, no - I," you stutter, but before you can finish you're standing under bright lights and looking out over a sea of fans.  You're looking around with your jaw dropped, amazed by the sight as Liam pulls you along.  It's like nothing you've ever seen.

The hand holding yours slips away only to be replace by another that you recognize all too well.  You look up at him to find his crystal clear blue eyes already on you, shining under the stage lights.  His smile is wider than you've ever seen it and his hand in yours is tight and secure.

He leans down to kiss you cheek and the girls scream uncontrollably.  "Welcome to my world," he whispers in your ear, making you smile. 

Liam - "Earlier today, I asked (Y/N) if -" Liam starts but is cut off by the sudden escalation in volume.  He chuckles a bit before glancing over to you offstage and shaking his head.  "So I asked her earlier today if she would want to come out on stage for a bit to, you know, see what it's like," he finishes.

"Did you, really Liam?  That's fascinating," Louis says sarcastically, laughing to himself from the lip of the stage.

"Shut it," Liam teases and sticks his tongue out at him.

"No really, it's a good story.  I was there and so was, uh,-" Niall says from the step he's sitting on.

"Me," Harry raises his hand.

"Yeah, it was Harry," Niall's continues.

"Yeah I was there," Harry adds.

You're enjoying watching the guys go about their business onstage, each of them commenting for seemingly no reason.  You giggle quietly to yourself as you watch them act like the real idiots they are.  They do it every show and you're always cracking up backstage when you're around.

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