You take an art class together

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You take an art class together...

Niall - "How's it going over there, Ni?" You smirk over at your boyfriend who's been silent for the last little while. He's been concentrated on his painting and you weren't sure what to make of it. He was never this quiet.

"Huh?" He looks up at you and smiles. "Oh, yeah. I'm almost done."

He gets back to work and you laugh quietly to yourself as you watch him pull his lip between his teeth in concentration. He takes a step back and tilts his head to the side, his eyes squinted and his eyebrows furrowed.

You shake your head, still smiling to yourself as you finish off your own painting. You loved art and were quite good, but when you invites Niall to an art class you never expected him to get so into it. You thought he'd goof around and be bored, want to leave.

This was not at all what you expected. He'd be quiet and focused and seemed to be having a good time. You loved watching the way his owe crinkled and how close his face got to canvas when he was trying to fix something.

You finish up your painting and start to clean up when you hear Niall call your name. You look up to find him smiling, his blue eye shining as he waves you over.

"Babe, look at this. It's for you," he says, pulling your arm and kissing your forehead.

You cover your mouth with your hand when you see the simple painting of you and Niall as stick people, holding hands. He painted a bunch of things floating around the two of you that you recognize and your favorite foods, movies and things in general. Eventually you can't suppress your laughter anymore and let it out, Niall joining you.

"What, you don't like it?" He laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. He places a kiss on your cheek and you place your hands over his.

"No, I love it. We're putting this one on the wall," you laugh, Turin hour head to kiss him quickly.

"In the living room?" He smirks, pulling you closer to him.

"Mmm... I was thinking more like the basement," you giggle and kiss his nose.

He rolls his eyes sarcastically and takes his canvas on the stand, holding it out in front of him. "You obviously don't know too art when you see it."

Harry - "No peeking," he says seriously but you catch the shimmer of playfulness in his dark green eyes.

Instead of painting the flowers sitting at the front of the class like he was supposed to, he decided to paint you.

"Okay, I won't," you giggle and watch as he starts to paint, looking back and forth between you and the canvas.

Every time he looks up at you he raises his eyebrows and hums, or he strokes his chin and nods his head, or he even tells you to sit a different way and claims he "can't work like this."

You spend the entire class giggling and laughing at your silly boyfriend. It was so cute how he was being so dramatic and you were glad he was actually having fun.

It was Harry's idea to take a class together while he was home, it would be just the two of you and it would be a new experience. You got to pick the class and chose and art class because truthfully you weren't very good. You never knew if Harry could draw or paint, but you were extremely curious now that he was sitting in front of you with a paintbrush.

"Don't look at me, your eyes ruin my concentration," he scolds when he looks up at you. He rolls his eyes dramatically and shakes his head.

You giggle and go back to your work, letting Harry do his own thing. Soon the class ends and you jump out of your seat, excited to see what he's done.

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