Your kid says his name before yours

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Your kid says his name before yours...

Harry - You're playing with your daughter Darcy on the living room floor like you always are. You spend your entire day with her while Harry's at work or while he's away on tour. It's hard having a little one and him being away, but you know he loves her more than anything and regrets being away.

He think that she won't even recognize him when he gets back and worries that she won't love him. You always tell him not to worry, but he never listens.

"Daddy will be home soon," you tell your daughter excitedly and as if she understands, her face lights up and she claps her hands together to mimic yours.

You laugh and push back her dark hair, picking her up in your arms and setting her in her play pen so you can clean up before Harry gets home. She jumps up and down and makes noises as she watches you, and you respond to her even though she's not saying words.

You hear the door click and you drop what you're doing, picking up Darcy from her play pen and rushing out to the front hall.

"Harry!" You exclaim, tears brimming your eyes not having seen him in months.

He turns around, dropping his suitcase, his eyes lighting up and a wide smile on his face. He rushes over to the two of you, bringing you both into his arms and crushing his lips to yours without wasting time.

"I've missed you two so much," he whispers, kissing your temple before shifting his attention to your daughter who is squirming in your arms. "Darcy! Wow, baby, you're so big!" He laughs, taking her from you and lifting her up in the air.

"Daaada!" She squeals and Harry freezes, holding her above his head. His jaw drops and his eyes widen, looking between your beautiful daughter and you.

"Did you hear that? Did you hear that?" He asks frantically and you laugh, nodding your head. Harry spins your little girl around, pulling her to his chest. "Did she say anything while I was gone?"

"No, that's her first word," you smile, seeing in Harry's face how excited he is.

His eyes start to gloss over as he kisses your daughter's cheek repeatedly. "I love you, my angle."

"She loves you too, babe. I told you, she knows exactly who you are," you smile, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Wow," he breaths, staring at Darcy in wonder. He wraps his free arm around you and pulls you into his side, kissing your head and kissing Darcy's cheek. "I'm so lucky, so lucky," he mumbles.

"Dada," she whispers again, reaching out and grabbing Harry's nose, you both laugh and he takes her hand in his.

"Yes, baby, Dada's home," he says and kisses her forehead.

Zayn - "Babe," he calls, but you don't answer. He gets off the couch and walks up the stairs to the bathroom where you're bathing your son Trist.


"Yes, Zayn?" You ask, turning around while still holding your sun upright in the tub. He splashes around, nailing you in the face and Zayn laughs.

"Phone's for you, love," he says, holding it out to you.

"Okay, can you take over here please?"

He nods and switches places with you while you take the phone and leave the room, glancing back over your shoulder at. Zayn talking to your son.

Zayn loved spending time with Trist but he was always so busy. He was always on his laptop having a conference, out at a photoshoot, talking to management, on tour and somewhere else doing something else. It was hard for you to watch your son grow up without Zayn and you were worries that he wouldn't be as comfortable with him as he was with you. The last thing you wanted was for Zayn to feel disconnected from your son. He was so excited to finally have a family.

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