Zayn Imagine - Make a choice (requested)

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This imagine is for Rachel ( ) who requested it via tumblr. Hope you enjoy it xx

"Pick one?" You ask as you settle down next to Zayn on the sofa. He puts an arm around you and you rest your head on his shoulder, wrapping on of your arms around him as well. He made you feel safe, his strong arms around you securely, his warmth and his familiar scent.

"Yup," he replies with a smile and presses play on the remote to start the movie.

You end up falling asleep wrapped in Zayn's arms halfway through the movie. It wasn't hard to fall asleep with him, he comforted you.

"Hey," you hear Zayn whisper as you are shaken from sleep, opening your eyes to find two amber eyes peering back at you. You can't help but smile and flush, embarrassed that you fell asleep but happy that he's still here. "Sleep well?" He chuckles and dips down his head to press a kiss to your lips gently. His lips are warm and mold to yours perfectly.

"Yeah," you yawn, nodding once you've pulled apart.

"You'd better get to bed then, sweetheart," he smirks and kisses your forehead before standing from the sofa. He pulls his phone from his pocket to check the time.

"Can you stay?" You ask sheepishly, watching as he scrolls through his phone. He turns to you, his bottom lip held between his teeth and his eyebrows pulled together. Your stomach sinks because you know what's coming, it's the same way every time.

"I -" he starts but is cut off by his phone ringing. He glances at the screen and presses his lips together, cursing under his breath. "Yeah babe," he says into the phone and you feel even worse, your throat getting tight and your chest aching. "Yeah, I'm on my way, just finishing up," he says. "Love you.". He hangs up the phone and turns back to you, scratching the back of his neck.

"So you're leaving?" You ask, standing from the sofa.

"Yeah, what else am I meant to do?" He shrugs with a sigh, shoving his phone back in his pocket.

"Stay," you say, worried that if he says no once more, your heart will snap.

"Babe, Perri waiting for me at home, I... I can't, I'm sorry," he shakes his head, his voice quiet.

"Zayn, how long is this going to go on?" You laugh coldly, sick of always hearing no.

"What do you mean?" He asks slowly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"This, I only agreed because I thought we would be together -"

"We will!" He raises his voice, cutting you off once he sees you're getting frustrated.

"You say that every time! When will you stop answering her calls and leaving me because she wants you home. I've been waiting Zayn," you raise your voice to match his, pain and rage mixing together in an unruly combination.

"Look, it can't happen all at once as soon as you want it, I need to find the right time!" He's shouting now, his hands gesturing wildly and infuriating your. His amber eyes burn your skin.

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