You let it slip that you're dating

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You let it slip that you're dating...

Quick note! (y/s/n) stands for 'your ship name'.

Louis - "Hey, babe..." Louis calls from the living room.  You enter the room to find him with his deep blue eyes glues to his phone in concentration, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What's up?" You ask as you slide onto the sofa next to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his arm.

"I've just been on twitter and I've been checking my mentions... are you aware that (y/s/n) is trending?" He asks, his eyes narrowed on his screen.

"What's (y/s/n)?" You question, taking his phone from his hand and scrolling through his many mentions for yourself.  Before he even says anything, it clicks, and you can't help the blush from rising in your cheeks.

"It's our names mashed together..." he tells you, a small smirk playing on his lips as he takes his phone from your hands and leans back so he can look you in the eyes.  "My questions is, how on earth do people know that we're dating?" His voice is full of sarcasm and you know he's only doing this to torture you.

"It was an accident I swear!" You wine, seeing no point in hiding it since it's clear he knows.  You turn to him with a pout and he laughs lightly, pulling you closer to him.  "I promise I was only trying to text my sister a picture of you at lunch when you had the chopsticks in your mouth, but I kinda sent it to the wrong place..."

"Uh huh..." he nods slowly, eyeing you suspiciously.  His deep blue eyes are full of amusement as you try to explain yourself.

"I deleted as soon as I realized what had happened, but it was too late."

"Still, I don't see how people can be so sure that we're dating from a picture," he wonders aloud, stroking his chin for effect.

"Well the caption maybe, possibly, might have given it away..."

"And it was...?". He moves closer until his face is inches from yours, a cheeky grin painted on his pink lips.

"You totally know what it said!" You call him out, swatting him playfully.

"It doesn't mean I don't want to hear you say it," he says softly, letting a small laugh escape.

You close the space between you, letting your lips meet his for a few moments before pulling away.

"My boyfriend is such a goof, but he's my goof," you smile as Louis cups your cheeks and presses his lips to your once again.

"Don't forget that," he mumbles into the kiss and you can't help but smile.

Niall - "Ni?" You call out as you enter his flat. 

He doesn't answer so you check all the rooms, him being no where in sight.  You wandered down the small hall having heard some mumbling coming from behind his closed door.

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