Louis Imagine - Meeting the parents (requested)

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This imagine is for @ANNALYSIA_MEE hope you enjoy it!

"Everything will be fine, just relax," you try to assure him. 

"I can't relax, it's impossible.  Just wait until the roles are reversed, you'll be the one stressing out," he snaps.

You don't take offense because you know he's just being defensive.  He's been worried all morning as the two of you got ready to leave.  When Louis was worried or nervous his first instinct was to be defensive because he hated being vulnerable.

"It's not you're doing this alone.  It's nerve wracking for me too, I want them to love you just as much as you do.  And they will." You place your hand on his thigh and squeeze it gently.  He removes one hand from the wheel and takes your in it, intertwining your fingers with his.  He glances over and smiles at you briefly before turning his eyes back to the road.

"I hope so.  I just really want them to like me," he sighs.

"They will, I promise," you you say again while smiling as you gently rub circles on his hand with your thumb.

"How do you know? I'm not the most mature guy, I'm sure they'd want someone with a better head on his shoulders." He can't deny the worry in his voice and you can see it clearly in his deep blue eyes.

"Why is it so important that they like you?" You ask.  This is what's been on your mind the entire ride because you just didn't understand.

"Because they're important to you, they're a big part of your life, babe.  I just want them to think I'm good enough for you.  I want them to think I can take care of you like I know I can.  It's important to me to make them happy so you will be happy to," he says softly and offers you a shy smile.

"Oh, baby.  You have to know that no matter what they think nothing between you and I will change.  Iknow you're good enough for me, you're perfect for me.  And Iknow that you can take of me because you already have for five months now," you say, not able to control the huge smile on your face.  You can't help but think he's adorable wanting to please your parents to make you happy.

"I know, I just want them to see that too... I don't want to chance anything coming between us," he admits.

"Louis, I promise they'll love you.  And I known that for a fact because I do, I love you," you say quietly.

"You what?"

"I love you," you tell him and watch his smile grow.

"Sorry, you what?" He asks again, his smile turning into a smirk.

"I love you," you laugh.

"Sorry love, I didn't quite catch that.  What was it you said?" He teases.

"I love you!" You shout, laughing as you do.

Louis laughs with you as you pull up to your parents' house.  He shuts off the engine and turns to look at you, grasping your hand in both of his and bringing it to his lips.

"I love it when you tell me that," he whispers against your hand before kissing it gently.  He leans over the center console and you instinctively do the same thing.  "But I love telling you even more," he says, his voice barely audible as he presses his lips softly to yours.

Through his kiss you feel all the love and passion you feel being reciprocated by him.  Your lips move in sync, his soft and warm against your own sending shivers down your spine.  Louis' kisses never fail to set your heart beating faster no matter how many times he's kissed you.  He always sends electricity coursing through your veins at his touch.

"I love you," he mumbles against your lips as you pull apart.  "Now, let's go make your parents love me," he says and winks at you before getting out of the car.

You knew they would, there was no doubt in your mind.

Thanks for readingreally hope you enjoyed it :)

Check out my One Direction fan fiction Dreams or Reality!

Please vote and comment as they really make my day!

Also am accepting requests! To find out how, read the previous post titled REQUESTS xx


http://la-yers.tumblr.com (personal)

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