The boys interrupt your date night

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The boys interrupt your date night...

Liam - "I've never been here," you tell Liam, looking around the small diner.

"The boys and I used to come here all the time," he smiles and reaches across the table to take your hand.

Liam had brought you out for a lunch date since you'd never been out alone before. You were so happy to have some time with him after he was constantly busy with work.

You order and chat for a bit but are interrupted by a group of noisy boys entering the restaurant. You roll your eyes at how disrespectful some people are until you hear a distinctive laughs belonging to a blonde Irishman.

"Oh god," Liam mumbles and puts his head in his hands. You turn around just as Niall looks over at you two and smiles.

"Hey, it's (Y/N) and Liam!" He says loudly and the boys clamber their way over to you. They squeeze into the small booth next you you and Liam who gives you an apologetic smile.

"Why'd you not tell us you were coming here man?" Zayn ask, hitting Liam on the arm. "You said you were busy."

"I am," Liam sighs and look a at you.

"Ah, I see, this is a date," Harry nods, a small smirk on his face.

"Date? Why the hell did you bring her here Liam?" Louis laughs and the rest of the boys follow. Liam runs a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Look guys, I kind of want to be alone with my girl right now, I see you more than her," Liam says.

"Oh, come on. (Y/N) doesn't mind having us around," Niall says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

You look between all the boys and smile sweetly, knowing they mean no harm but also wanting to spend time with Liam.

"Of course I do, I love you guys. But maybe you could sit at the booth behind us?" You ask sheepishly and Louis mods, raising his hands in defeat.

"Of course love, you two enjoy yourselves," he smiles as the boys move booths.

Liam smiles and takes your hand again, his dark eyes content. "Alone, at last," he smiles, his foot moving against your let under the table.

"Not quite," Harry chimes in, popping his head over top of the booth. You just laugh and shake your head, thinking st it's better than being squished between Niall and the wall.

Niall - "Babe, can you get the door? I think it's the pizza," Niall calls from the living room.

"Yeah, sure," you call back, putting down the plates you were pulling out and heading to the door.

Niall had been away and out everyday this week working on tacks and writing for the new album. You hadn't spent much time together and you missed him, so the two of you planned to stay home together tonight and watch movies. You didn't want to go out and deal with onlookers, bodyguards and fans asking for pictures. You wanted it to be just the two of you, a quiet night.

You reach for the handle, grabbing your wallet from the shelf beside the door and pull it open. You look up expecting to find a pizza boy, but instead you find Louis holding the pizza box and the rest of the boys standing behind him.

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