You're on your period

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You're on your period...

Liam - "You alright love?" Liam asks, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at you as you lay down. He combs his fingers through your hair and you moan.

"No, I have cramps. It hurts," you whine, rolling over and clutching your stomach. The pain was so bad this time around that a tear rolls down your cheek.

"Awe, baby," he coos, caressing your face and a sympathetic frown forming on his features. His dark eyebrows push together and he leans down and kisses your forehead. "I'll be right back, love."

He leaves the room and you bury your face in the pillow, clutching your stomach and trying to find a comfortable position. You hear Liam climb the stairs and come back into the room, rubbing your back gently and whispering quietly for you to sit up. He hands you pain killers, a glass of water and a hot bean bag. You swallow the pills and pull the hot bag to your stomach, the heat instantly soothing the pain.

"Thank you," you smile and Liam who's climbed in bed beside you. You lean over and kiss your sweet boyfriend's lips.

"Of course, I hate seeing you like that," he frowns, pulling you to him by your waist. "I brought a fee movies up as well," he smiles.

"You are seriously to best," you shake your head, not believing how lucky you are.

"I try," he smirks, pulling your further into him and pressing his lips to your temple. "I don't exactly know the pain you're feeling but I can see it in your face. I feel awful for you having to do this every month."

"Lucky for you, you won't ever have to experience it," you giggle, feeling better wrapped in his arms. "But with a boyfriend like you, it's really not all that bad."

Niall - "Uh, (Y/N)?" He asks slowly, raising his eyebrows in question as you sit next to him with a big slab of chocolate cake, ready to watch the movie.

"Yeah babe?"

"We just had dinner not five minutes ago, how are you still hungry?" He asks confused, holding on his own stomach to show how full he is.

"You mean because I ate so much at dinner?" You question, smirking at his guilty face. It was true, you had eaten a lot, you just couldn't stop, and you didn't blame Niall for noticing.

"I - no, I just meant..." he panics, struggling for an explanation.

You can't help but laugh lightly and lean into him. He relaxes at your actions and wraps an arm around you, holding your close.

"Niall, this happens every month and you always ask the same questions," you say, looking up at his confused eyes.

"What do you - Oh!" He finally understands, his eyes averting from you and his face glowing bight red. He never really knew how to react when you talked about this stuff, but he tried.

You lean up and kiss his cheek, making him smile and press his lips against yours.

"Share?" He mumbles, eyeing the cake in your hands.

"Not a chance!" You laugh, mockingly taking a huge bite and watching him frown. "And if you try to steal any, that's when the mood swings start."

"You do get pretty feisty once a month," he smirks and you whack him lightly in the chest before resting your head against it.

In the end you do share as he cuddle you on the sofa. You're happy Niall has such an appetite as well, it makes you feel so much more at ease.

Louis - "Louis, could you please do something for me?" You call from the bathroom, stuck until you could get what you needed.

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