He cooks you dinner (or tries to)

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He cooks you dinner (or tries to)...

Louis - "Is something burning?" You call into the apartment as you walk in the door.  As soon as the door opened you were assaulted by the strong smell of smoke and something burning.

"Louis?" You call louder this time, dropping your shopping bags in the entrance and quickly removing your shoes.

You scurry over to the kitchen only to find it filled with smoke coming from the oven.  You quickly open all the windows in the apartment to let some fresh air in and let the smoke out before you open the oven.  Clouds of smoke billow into your face, assaulting your nose and you cough as you pull out whatever was in the oven and toss it into the sink before shutting off the oven.  Thankfully there was no fire so you only have to wait for the air to clear.

"Louis!" You call him again as you walk out into the narrow hallway.

Where the hell is he?  You poke your head in your bedroom only to find it empty.  You make your way to the living room only to find Louis fast asleep on the couch.

You walk over to the sofa and shake him awake gently.  "Lou.  Wake up," you whisper as he begins to stir.

He blinks his eyes open and a tired smile spreads over his face when he sees you.  "Hey love, how was shopping?"

"It was good until I came home to a nearly burnt down apartment," you say and can't help but smile at the confused look on his face.

"What are you..." he starts, but then he scrunches up his nose and looks around the smoke filled room as if he only just noticed it.  He looks back at you and his bark blue eyes widen.  "Shit."

"What were you trying to do?" You laugh and you sit next to him on sofa when he sits up.

"I was trying to cook you dinner and while I was waiting for it to cook, I guess I may have dozed off..." he says timidly.  "You couldn't tell what it was?"

"Babe, it was black mush by the time I got to it," you laugh lightly and rest your head on his shoulder to let him know it's okay.

"I'm sorry, I'll go clean it up.  Order some pizza then, yeah?" he says and gives you a swift kiss before standing up.  Before he leaves the room he turns around and smirk at you.  "You know, this is probably a sign that I should never cook again."

"No, this is probably a sign that I shouldn't leave you home alone," you tease and you both laugh.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Louis says, running a hand through his hair.  He offers you a lopsided smile before leaving the room to clean his mess.

You sure as hell won't be leaving him home alone again.

Liam - You and Liam were having a quiet day at home and you spent it watching movies and talking.  You're sat in your bedroom now reading a book and you haven't seen or heard Liam for a while.  You're not worried though.

"Babe!" You hear him call from downstairs and shut your book.


"Could you come here a minute please?"

You climb off the bed and head downstairs to find Liam in the kitchen.  You're eyes widen and you stifle your laughter when you see the mess in the kitchen and Liam covered in some sort of sauce.  Your eyes move to the blender on the counter which appears to have exploded and you can't hold your laughter in any longer.

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