How he gets your number

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How he gets your number...

Zayn - "What's your name?"

"I'm not telling you," you tease the boy you just met.

"Well, you can put it in my phone then you won't have to say anything," he smirks and you just can't resist.

Niall - "This was fun," the boy you met at the pub smiles at you.

"Yeah, it has been," you smile back.

"Can I get you number?" he mumbles quietly that you can't really make out what he's saying.


"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yeah, can I get your number?" You reply, slightly confused.

"Well," he exclaims, his smile cheeky, "if you insist," he winks and pulls out his phone.

You laugh and can't resist giving him your number, anxious to see him again.

Liam - "I'm really sorry about all this," he blushes, looking down at your ruined top.

"It's fine," you assure him, "it's just ketchup, it will come out... right?"

"It should... but you should call me and let me know so I know not to feel so bad about ruining your top," he says and blushes even more.

"Call you?"

"Yeah... if you wanted too..."

"Well, I will.  And if the stain doesn't come out, you can buy me a new shirt," you smirk.

He laughs and pulls out his phone. "Deal."

Louis - "You're leaving?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Yeah it's getting late," you say and stand from the sofa of the crowded house party.

"You're forgetting something, though," he smirks, standing from the sofa as well.

"What?" You look around but see nothing you have left behind.

"My number," he smiles and you can't help but laugh, admiring his confidence, taking his phone from him and giving him yours.

Harry - "You're sure you're alright?" The boy who saw you fall from your bike asks, sitting beside you on the curb.

"Yes I'm fine... my mum's coming to take me to the clinic just in case," you smile.

"Well you look to be okay," he says, scratching his head, his cheeks turning pink, "but if you're not and end up in the hospital or something I could come visit you?"

"Um, I guess you could... although I don't think anything like that will happen," you giggle, feeling heat rise in your own cheeks.

"Well you should let me know, just in case, you know?" He smiles, pulling his phone from his pocket, his smile turning into a cheeky smirk.

You roll your eyes but take his phone anyways, not being able to resist his charm.

Thanks for reading!

sorry if they suck, I just haven't posted a pref in so long I figured I'd start working on some more!!

I am running out of ideas though, so please please pleaseeee REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST!!!!!!!


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