Harry Imagine - Crash my love (requested)

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This imagine is for Ariel or @Ariel_Richardson ( http://arielrosalierichardson.tumblr.com ) who requested it via WattpadHope you enjoy it, love! xx

"I can never please you!" He shouts, his hands in the air over his head.  His green eyes are flaming with rage, burning with fury and his jaw is clenched tightly.  He paces around the living room, crushing the glass shards of a broken lamp under his heavy boots.  "What more can I do to make you see that I love you?  I want this just as much as you do!"

"Maybe you could pick staying home and spending time with me once in while over going out and getting drunk with the boys!" You shout back, tears burning your eyes and your throat sore from yelling.  You're sure your eyes as wild as his, your face hot with the blood rushing through you at an incredible speed along with your heart and the adrenaline coursing through your veins.

You've been yelling at each other since Harry got home ten minutes ago.  Tears have been shed, hateful words spit and a lamp thrown out of rage.  This is all too familiar to you, it happens every time he drinks and you get upset that he's been out without you for the how-many-times in a row.  It feels like you come second to the boys, like you're only around to love when he feels like it.

"Dammit Ariel, do we have to do this every time?  I love you, you know that," he grumbles, grabbing a fist full of his dark curls.

"No, Harry.  I don't know that," you say quietly, tears finally slipping down your cheeks.

"Don't say that, you do know that!  You're just - you're just being difficult like you always are!" He's shouting again, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.  He's pacing quickly, every vein in his neck exposed and every muscle and bone in his body tensed.

"Being difficult?" You scoff, wiping the tears from your cheeks.  He's never said that to you before and you can't ignore the jab you feel from his words.

"Yes! Every time I go out with my friends you complain, like you want me next you at every second!  Why don't you just put me on a God damn leash?" He yells, his voice bouncing off the walls and hitting you right in the heart, breaking off pieces one word at a time.

"Are you fucking kidding me?  Harry, I hardly ever see you as it is and when you're home for a while you're always out!  All I get is you at night and in the morning and you're gone!" You sob, your tears uncontrollably falling and making a mess of everything.  "It really seems like you don't want this despite what you say.  You can't just stand here and say that you love me, you have to show it or it doesn't mean anything at all!  And if I'm so difficult... you don't have to deal with me anymore!"

The words sting as they leave your lips, a razor blade across your tongue.  It's not what you want, far from what you want, but everything is become a bit too much.  It's crushing you, the weight on your chest becoming worse everyday, your heart already too broken to break anymore.

He's calling your name as you grab your keys, his heavy footsteps sounding behind you.  Curse words fly from his lips, but you block it out and don't listen to what he is saying.  All you can hear is the blood rushing though your ears and the pounding of your heart.  It hurts when you finally shut the door behind you, your chest heaving and unable to catch your breath.

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