How he kisses you

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How he kisses you

Zayn - He grabs hold of your hips and pulls you close to him.  He rests his forehead on your and bitting his lip he looks deep into your eyes.  He leans in slowly and brushes his lips on yours lightly. The kiss starts out soft, gentle and loving, but quickly fills with passion as your lips move in sync, pressing harder into one another as if you want to be as close to each other as possible.  He makes you feel like he needs you and only you.  His grip tightens on your hips making sure he never loses you.  The feeling of his lips on yours is electric and exciting, and you can't seem to get enough.  When he pulls away, he rests his forhead on your again as a barely audible "Wow," slips from his lips. 

Harry - He come up behind you catching you off guard and wraps his arms around your waist and presses his lips to your shoulder.  He slowly makes his way up to your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses.  He places a last one under your ear before he spins you around without warning and connects his lips with yours.  All you feel through his kiss is love, and the feeling that he wants to stay in that moment with you.  He kisses you sweetly, not too rough but not too gentle.  His lips are soft and warm on yours.  His hands are always moving along your back or are play with your hair.  When he pulls back, his hands stay in place on your waist and he continues to hold you close.  He looks into your eyes, his green eyes sparkling, and makes you feel like you're the only person he cares about.

Niall - He pulls you onto his lap and kisses your head, then your eyelids and your cheeks softly, your nose lovingly, and finally your lips.  He runs his hand through your hair while he kisses you.  His lips move away from yours and run along your jaw and down your neck.  He finds your lips again and every kiss feels like the first.  There is always a spark, you both feel it.  He kisses you softly and gently like he wants to look after you.  You kiss him the same way back.  You allow yourself to sink into him completely because he makes you feel safe, and his kisses make you feel at home.  When he pulls back, he kisses you one last time on the nose before wrapping his arms around you and you sit around and cuddle.

Louis - He scoops you up in his arm bridal style and spins you around several times, and you laugh.  When he stops his sparkling blue eyes move from your eyes to your lips and back again.  He leans in slowly towards your lips, but changes his path and presses his lips to your shoulder, teasing you.  He pulls back and leans in again, this time his lips meet yours.  You instantly feel like you're floating.  His lips move softly on yours at first, but then he starts to kiss you roughly moving his lips faster.  He always surprises you when he kisses you; he's unpredictable.  Finally, he ends off by kissing you gently.  His lips linger on yours, and you feel him smile which makes you smile aswell.  He pulls back and stares into your eyes before holding you close to keep the moment for a little longer.

Liam - He pushes your hair behind you ear and doesn't move his gaze from your eyes.  He leans in slowly and you meet him halfway, your lips connecting.  He kisses you slowly and passionately, making sure you know how much he loves you.  You feel like you're the only two people in the world; nothing else matters except the two of you right now.  You kiss him back with just as much passion.  The kiss is strong but gentle, like Liam himself.  He doesn't let it last too long before pulling back and staring into your eyes, his favourite feature of yours.  He leans in one last time, and slowly plants a single kiss on your lips, allowing his to linger.  He pulls back and holds your hands in his, intertwining your fingers.  He always end off every kiss by whispering soflty in your ear, "I love you."

I hope you enjoyed these! I realize they are short, but I thought they were sweet :)

Don't forget to vote and comment, and check out my One Direction fanfiction!

-Danielle xx

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