He treats you badly in front of fans (Part Two)

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I got A LOT of requests for a part two, so here it is!!

He treats you badly in front of fans (Part Two)...

Niall - "Want to go grab something for lunch?" Niall asks, walking into the living room and leaning against the wall.

"Nope," you mumble, your arms crossed over your chest and your eyes on the TV.


"You go, I'm not," you snap. You turn off the TV and stand from the sofa, brushing past him out of the room.

You're halfway up the stairs when you hear him following you.

"What's going on with you? You've been so moody lately," he calls to you.

You keep walking, anger boiling up inside you. It's been two days and he still hasn't figured out what he's done. Obviously he never saw the tweets or the articles, and since he was on vacation management didn't contact him.

"(Y/N)! Stop and talk to me, you're being rude," he shouts, following you into your bedroom.

"I'm being rude?" You shout, finally losing it and whipping around to face him. "Why don't you think about the way you treated me after dinner the other night! In public!"

"What are you talking about?" He groans, rubbing his forehead.

"Seriously Niall? You left me in a crowd of fans to fight for myself and had the fucking nerve to yell at me to keep up! Do you know how embarrassing that is? Not to mention you lost twitter followers over it and got a pretty nasty press review!"

Tears are stinging your eyes and your face is red with rage. Niall stares at you with his jaw hanging low and his eyes wide.

"I - I... I did that? I didn't mean to... I was just..." he scrambles for an explanation, clutching his hair in his fists. "I was angry, frustrated. I just wanted a quiet night and I... I don't know."

"I get that, but you can't take out your anger on me. I looked like a fool and people think you're a bad boyfriend, but... you're not," you sigh, the anger fading. You understand him but it still doesn't make it right.

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, please let me make it up to you," he says quietly, taking your hands and pulling you toward him.

"How?" You quip, a smirk spreading over your lips.

He smirks as well and leans down to kiss you gently, his hands moving to your hips and lifting you so you can wrap your legs around his torso. Niall smiles into the kiss, moving his lips to run across your jaw and down to your neck just as he lowers you onto the bed to make up his mistakes.

Harry - You wait until all the noise dies down outside the door to come out of the bathroom. You stopped crying a while ago but it's obvious that you had been.

You slowly open the door and see that Harry has returned and is waving goodbye to the last of the fans leaving the room. He's not smiling, he looks worried. His eyebrows are pushed together and he wrings his fingers together nervously.

As soon as the door to the dressing room shuts, Louis has Harry pinned against the wall and you watch in shock.

"What the fuck Styles?" He shouts in Hus face as the rest of the boys watch, unsurprised. "You yelled, pushed and made your girlfriend cry in front of everyone! Fans included you bastard!"

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