Zayn imagine - Only you (requested)

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This is for Melanie or @MelanietjuhX requested via Wattpad! Hope you like it!!! xx

Sorry these have taken ages x

"You look perfect," your best friend smiles, gripping your shoulders and pulling you in for a hug.

"Thanks," you say, your voice shaky and thin.

Your best friend looks you in the eyes and smiles softly. "Everything will be fine, you're strong."

You nod, unable to say anything for fear that the tears will run again like they have for the past two weeks.

It feels like just yesterday when your relationship fell apart. Even after two weeks you still can't figure out where it all started, how it all went wrong. You knew Zayn had been distant, you knew he spent most of his time on the phone or running around the city. He was away from you most of the time, but you never imagined that it would end up this way.

You thought now that the tour was over he would be happy to see you, you thought that for a while you could have a normal relationship. What you didn't expect was for him to come home to you but never be around you for too long. He would never look you in the eye when you asked where he'd been or who he was chatting up on the phone. You didn't want to admit anything was wrong. You had your suspicions of course but you loved him and thought he loved you enough never to betray you.

The one night where all the pieces fell together and your heart fell apart is clear in your mind. You can't get the image out of your mind, it's a nightmare. You shut your eyes and all you can see is Zayn down on one knee, you can hear the words leave his lips, asking for a hand in marriage. Worst of all you remember clearly the wide smile on her red lips and his hand holding hers tightly, unaware that you had entered the dressing room of the studio.

The knot in your stomach and lump in your throat was just as harsh then as is it now when you lock eyes with him upon entering the restaurant. You want so badly to bolt, turn and run, honoring your own screamed words that you would never speak to him again.

Instead, you try to smile. Your lips quiver and your heart races as you approach the man who broke your heart but had somehow convinced you to join him for dinner.

You still loved him and you knew it.

"You look beautiful," he says quietly, his eyes trailing over you. "You are beautiful."

"Thank you," you say, your voice hardly audible over the murmurs of conversations from other tables.

Silence falls between the two of you as you stare down at your hands. You can feel his eyes on you and you shift uncomfortably looking anywhere but him.

"I miss you, baby," he says and reaches across the table for you hand but you pull away. His caramel eyes reflect the pain you feel.

It's still fresh, the open wounds and shattered heart. Being here with him doesn't make it any better.


Your eyes snap up to him as soon as your name leaves his lips, his smooth voice caressing each syllable. It still makes you melt the way it has every time he's ever said your name.

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