Harry Imagine - Tell me you love me

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You've been dating Harry for about  nine months and he's been away on tour for three of them.  He was on tour right now and you were missing him like crazy.  He was always on your mind, every second of every day.

He'd call you or text you from time to time and sometimes you even found the time to video chat.  But recently he'd gone silent.  He hadn't tweeted much in the past few days, and the rest of the boys hadn't really said much either. 

You liked to know where he was in the world and what he was doing, and not knowing nearly killed you.  At least knowing where he was allowed you to have some kind of connection with him, but now that you didn't know, he felt lost to you.

You'd been moping around the house today, and now you were sat on the couch flicking through a magazine and reading rumors about yourself.  This was just a normal Saturday for you when you had no plans.  The apartment you shared with Harry was silent and you were lost in your own world of thought.

Bzzzz... Bzzzz... Bzzzz...  You were startled by the sound of your phone vibrating next to you.  You picked it up curiously; you had not been expecting to hear from anyone.  


"Babe!" A deep, raspy voice answered from the other end.  You could hear the smile in his voice.

"Harry!" You had tears in your eyes now, it was such a relief to hear his voice but at the same time it just made you miss him more.

"Hey love, how've you been?" He asked softly.

"I've been okay... I miss you a lot." Your voice catches and tears begin to fall.

"I miss you too (Y/N), I miss you so much you don't even know..." You can tell that he means it, you can hear it in his voice.

"Where are you?" You ask.

"That doesn't matter, I just want to hear your voice right now," he presses.

"Oh, okay... what do you want me to talk about?" You ask awkwardly.  You hated being put on the spot.

"Tell me you love me." He says simply.

You smile to yourself.  "I love you," you say softly.

"I need to hear it in person... Hang on." And the line goes dead.

What just happened? You think to yourself.  One minute he says he wants to hear your voice, the next minute he hangs up on you.  Your heart breaks a little because you were talking to him for the first time in so long, and now he was gone.

Knock, knock, knock.  Someone was at the apartment door. You hastily wipe the fresh tears that had fallen from your face and race to answer the door.

You open the door and your eyes widen, your heart pounds and you feel like you can't move an inch.

"Hi," Harry smiles.

"HARRY!" You screech, finding your voice and jumping into his arms.

He holds you tightly, arms around your waist, his head resting on top of yours.  You breath in his scent, the familiar scent you've missed for so long.

You stand hugging each other tightly for a while until he pulls you away so he can look into your eyes.  His emerald eyes stare down at you, shining with excitement.  A broad smile is spread across his face.

He leans in and kisses you sweetly, passionately.  His lips on yours is what you've missed the most.  You kiss his back with as much passion, deepening the kiss as much as you can.

When you part, he looks deeply into your eyes and whispers, "Tell me you love me."  His hot breath fans over your face and you shiver.

"I love you," you say quietly and he pulls you in for another kiss.

Thanks for reading!

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