Harry Imagine - Lost me (requested)

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This imagine is for Emma or @lovelyemmuh who requested it via Wattpad! Hope you like it x

You try your best to hide your face, turning your body slightly and holding your scarf closer to your mouth. You weren't doing it to hide from the paps, no. You had done enough of that while dating him, but now you were hiding from him.

Your heart started pounding as soon as you saw his curly head walk into the coffee shop. It hasn't stopped and you're paralyzed in your seat, not able to move if you wanted too. It's been two years since you've seen him and you weren't looking forward to seeing him now.

It all started out good, and no matter how hard you try you still think of him sometimes. He was perfect in the start, everything you had ever wanted and more. You loved him and he loved you, promising to never let you go. You thought that was it, that that was your fairytale ending.

But you were wrong. Things started to fall apart slowly at first, then all at once. Rumors about him seeing other people and being spotted with other girls became harder to ignore and harder not to believe. There were also rumors about you that he would grow jealous over. You didn't want to believe any of it, until you caught him in the act.

It ended terribly to say the least, and you haven't spoken since the screaming match that ended your relationship. He tried calling, texting, anything, but you eventually changed your number. Your heart was too broken to even consider speaking to him, he had committed the worst betrayal.

Even though you were trying to hide from him, you couldn't keep your eyes off him. He looked good, better than ever. He smiles and had a familiar glint in his green eyes that you knew all too well. Memories flood back and you try to repress them but you can't.

"Hey, it's Emma!" Someone says a bit too loudly and all eyes snap to you. You blush and wave at the girls, letting them take a picture with you. You were used go it from dating Harry and since then it hadn't stopped, especially now.

The girls say goodbye and you smile to yourself until you meet his eyes and it's like the world stops. You can't remember how to breath or move or speak, you're frozen.

"Em," Harry breaths, his eyes growing wide as he approaches your table. He sits down across from you without and invitation and all you can do is stare at him. "You changed your number."

In a flash the last horrible month you were together drifts back and you're filled with melancholy. You try to stand and leave but Harry grips your arm, his touch making you gasp and pull back.

"Stay?" He asks quietly, his eyebrows pushed together in worry.

You comply for no reason, knowing you should be leaving but you can't.

"You changed your number."

"You said that."

"Why'd you do it?"

He asks the question so casually, cluelessly. You internally roll your eyes and grip your coffee cup tightly.

"Because I didn't want you contacting me," you say flatly and Harry's features morph into a frown.

"You didn't even give me a chance Em," he says quietly and you feel the sting of his words.

"I gave you plenty Harry. Don't forget that you were the reason we broke up, okay? I was done, you weren't worth it," you say harshly.

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