His kid calls you mom for the first time

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His kid calls you mom for the first time...

Liam - "Hey love," Liam smiles when you walk into the kitchen.  He approaches you and gives you a quick peck.

"Ew," you hear someone mumble and when you pull away you see his fourteen year old daughter sitting at the table waiting for dinner.

"Hi to you too," you laugh, her scrunched up nose familiar to you.

You pretty much live here now, you've been dating Liam for just over a year.  You were worried at first when you met his daughter he had with Sophia before they got divorced.  You were worried she would resent you, but she quickly took a liking to you.  You see her mostly every day, take her shopping and do all the fun girly things since her mother is too busy with her modeling career.  She only sees her once a month if that.

Liam finishes preparing dinner and you all sit down around the table like you do every night.  You chat for a while, her telling you about a boy she met at school and you both laugh when Liam plugs his ears.

After dinner the three of you are sat on the couch watching a movie but Liam leaves to take a phone call.

"Um, (Y/N)?"


"Could I ask you something?" She asks sheepishly.

"Yes of course, love," you smile.

"I, uh, just wanted to thank you for being here for me cause my mom's not.  And, um, it's starting to feel weird to call you by your name.  I know you and my dad are going to get married so..." she trails off, looking down at her hands nervously.

"What is it?" You ask kindly, giving her a sweet smile and putting a comforting arm on her shoulder.  She looks up at you with apprehension in her eyes.

"Do you think... I mean, you're not just my dad's girlfriend to me, you're like, my mom," she mumbles and your smile grows.  "Would it be weird if I started calling you that?  I mean, if I called you mom?"

Your heart warms and you pull her into a hug, wrapping your arms around her tightly.  "Of course sweetie.  You've been like a daughter to me, always."

Harry - "Go! Go!" Harry shouts beside you, standing from his seat.  You laugh and grip his arm, pulling his to sit down.  He looks over, his eyes alight and a wide smile on his face.  "What?  I'm just cheering on our boy," he laughs, pointing out to the football field.  He's scored three goals already.

"Our boy?  Harry he doesn't even like me," you giggle, but really you were upset that Harry's sixteen year old son hardly ever spoke or looked at you.  The three of you went out all the time together and you spent most days with them since you've been seeing Harry for eight months now.  But every time was the same, he hardly said a word.

"He loves you, he's just being a moody teenager, (Y/N).  Don't worry baby," Harry says, leaning over to kiss your cheek.  You sigh and nod, not really believing it.  

After the game, you wait around for him to gather his bag and say goodbye to his mates.  You stand with Harry and he pulls you close to him, making you laugh as he cracks jokes and makes fun of the other team.

"Hey! I want you guys to meet my coach," you hear Harry's son call so you both turn around.  "Coach, this is my dad and mum," he says and you look at him.  His eyes widen and he cheeks grow read.  "Um, I mean -"

"It's nice to meet you, you have a great team," you cut him off, extending your hand to his coach.

Harry introduces himself and they fall into a conversation.  You look at the boy you thought disliked you and find him smiling at you, his cheeks still red.  He mouths a thank you for saving him from having to explain who you were.  You nod and give him a small wink, pulling him into your arms.

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