Harry Imagine - I'll make you feel better (requested)

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This imagine is for Bella who requested it via tumblrHope you enjoy it! xx

"Bella, you're burning up baby," Harry says, his bright green eyes concerned as he leans over you to press his lips to your forehead.

"It doesn't matter, I feel fine.  I need to get to work, I can't miss today," you say weakly as you try to climb out of bed. 

The truth is, you don't feel fine; you feel like absolute crap.  You have the chills even though you feel like you're running a temperature of a million degrees.  All your muscles ache and you feel so exhausted you're sure you could sleep for days.

But you try to get out of bed anyways, not wanting to miss a day at work.  You've worked too hard to get where you are and you won't let being sick hold you back.

Harry gently grabs your arms in his large hand and pulls you back until you're lying down again next to him.  You don't have the strength to fight back so you sigh and give in to him.

"You're not going anywhere, you're really not well enough," he says softly, stroking your cheek with the tips of his fingers.

"But I can't miss a day at work, it won't look good," you explain.  You really would rather stay home but your job is important to you.

"I'm sure whatever work they have waiting there for you can wait.  Besides, it's not good for you to be around other people either.  You're contagious," he says softly, running his large hand up and down your arm.

"Thanks," you roll your eyes.  Being called contagious really didn't make you feel any better.  "You'd better go then."

"Why?" He furrows his eyebrows and props himself up on his elbow so he's facing you.  His green eyes study your face intently and you reach up to run a hand through his soft, messy curls.

"I don't want you getting sick too, then we'd both be in bed."

"What's wrong with that?" He smirks and winks playfully at you.  Your cheeks burn and not just from the fever.

He chuckles softly as he climbs out of bed and pulls on a pair of sweats.  You watch as he leaves the room, studying the swirls of ink gracing his skin as you direct off to sleep.

"Bella," you hear a faint whisper in a raspy tone and your eye flutter open. "Hey baby," Harry smiles sweetly from where he's sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hi," you smile back weakly and push yourself up slightly, your head spinning.  You notice Harry's holding a large brown paper bag on his lap.  "What's that?"

"It's for you," he tells you, placing it on the bed closer to you.  His features are soft and his voice just the same.

"What for? In case I throw up?" You joke and he laughs quietly.

"Stop being smart with me and open it," he says, shaking his head and pushing a few strands of hair off his forehead.

"Fine," you smirk and dive your hand into the box.

You pull out several items from the bag, each one making your heart flutter.  You find a small stuffed cat whose name, Harry tells you, is Richard.  You pull out a stack of DVDs, all your favorite movies.  Your iPod is the next thing you find and it has been loaded with all new music.  A tub of your favorite flavor of ice cream which you refuse to share with Harry, making him pout adorably.  And lastly you find a picture from the day you first met.

"What's this for?" You ask, holding up the picture.

"So you'll remember that I'm always going to look after you.  I fell in love with you that day, and since then I've wanted nothing than to keep you safe and happy," he says softy, his emerald eyes never leaving yours. 

He moves closer to you and leans down to place a soft kiss on your forehead.  His lips are cool compared to your burning skin, and you feel a moment of relief.

"I love you," you tell him when he pulls away.

"Enough to share your ice cream with me?" He smirks, raising an eyebrow.

"Not a chance," you tease and you both laugh.

"It's a good thing I love you enough to let it slide... just this once," he smiles.

You pick a movie which Harry puts in the DVD player, and he joins you on your bed.  He wraps both arms securely around you and you nuzzle into his chest.  You can't help but feel grateful that he stopped you from going to work this morning because you wouldn't want to be anywhere but here, with him.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! xx

If you want to request a preference or imagine, please read the post titled REQUESTS to find out how!

Also, check out my One Direction fan fiction Dreams or Reality :)

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