Liam Imagine - The future is bright (requested)

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This imagine is for an anon called Patria who requested via tumblr. I hope you enjoy it! xx

"Liam?" You ask quietly as you enter the living room.

"Hmm?" He lifts his head from his hands and strokes his chin as he leans back on the couch avoiding your eyes.

"Baby, are you okay?" You ask lightly as you gingerly sit on the edge of the coffee table in front of him.

For the past few days Liam has seemed completely stressed out. He hardly hears a word you say or meets your eyes while he's caught up in his own thoughts. You've tried to get him to talk a few times but he won't have it, and now you're starting to worry that something might be wrong.

He's going to talk to you today whether he likes it or not. You can't let it go for longer than you already have. He means the world to you and you hate to see him this way.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine love," he mumbles waving you off and offering a weak smile. He starts to stand up from the couch but you out your hand flat against his chest and push him back down lightly.

"You're sure?" You raise your eyebrows.

"Yes, I'm sure," he says, his voice low and his eyes downcast.

"Nothing on your mind? Nothing you want to talk about?" You press further, trying to act casually but you know he's not buying it.

"No, there's nothing babe," he tries to convince you once more. His dark eyes flicker to your and away again.

"Stop lying to me," you say calmly but sternly.

"Lying?" He questions furrowing his eyebrows.

"You're not fine Liam, I know you well enough to know that. We've been together for nearly a year now, I know when something is on your mind. What is it?" You tell him, and for the first time in nearly a week he looks you directly in the eyes and his gaze doesn't waver.

"That's exactly it," he says quietly.

"What is?" You ask, confused.

"We've been together nearly a year..." he trails off.

"Okay... and?" You ask skeptically. He could be going anywhere with this, it could be good or bad but you needed to know either way.

Liam surprised you by taking your hand in his. He plays with your fingers while he talks. "That's quite a long time, considering everything we've been through. I've been thinking a lot lately and when I think back to when we first started dating I never could have imagined we'd make it this far. I love you, Patria. More than I ever thought I could love anyone. So because I didn't think about the future when we started dating and we ended up here, I've been doing a lot of thinking about where we'll go from here and if we'll be just as good. I know we will be... I guess what I want to know is if you want a future with me?"

He hasn't looked at you since he started talking, his voice low and sincere. His eyes are glued to your hand in his and you're desperate to see the look in his dark eyes. His words have caused your heart to pick up pace and you're fighting to keep your breath even.

You use your free hand to reach out to him slowly and run your hand down his jaw that's rough with stubble. You stop your hand at his chin and tilt it up so his eyes meet yours. His dark eyes hold all the emotion you hoped they would, they tell you everything he just said an more.

"Of course I do," you whisper.

He uses his free hand to brush a dark curl from your face and tuck it behind your ear. You shiver at his touch as you wait for him to say something.

"Well," he breaths with a shaky laugh, "I wasn't planning on doing this today but I don't think I can wait any longer."

The next thing you know he's down he's kneeling in front of you digging furiously in the pockets. Your chest is tight and you're holding your breath in anticipation. Finally, Liam pulls his hand out from his pocket to reveal a thin silver band with a single diamond on one end. Your heart stops and tears fall from your eyes and run silently down your face. You're smile is wider than it's ever been.

"Patria," he says looking up into your eyes, his smile just as wide as yours, "will you make me happier than I've ever been by allowing me to be part of your future as your husband?"

You can't find your voice between gulping down air and the tears that continue to flow, so you nod furiously and he laughs as he slides the ring onto your finger. You wrap your arms around his neck and he lifts you off the coffee table, spinning you around in his arms before placing you on the floor.

"I love you," you whisper in his ear and you truly mean it.

He pulls you back to look you in your eyes, one hand on your waist and the other tangled into your long curly hair.

"I love you more," he says softly and presses his lips to your gently.

As he holds you in his arms, you find yourself excited to have a life with Liam by your side. You know it will be everything you wished for and that your future together is bright.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it xx

If you want to request and imagine or preference, read the post titled REQUESTS to find out how.

Check out my 1D fan fiction Dreams or Reality also! (personal)

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