BSM - You see him naked

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BSM - You see him naked

Louis - You walk into the house with headphones in, thinking no one is home yet for the day. You set your bag down on the ground and dance a bit on the way to the kitchen for a small snack.

You have your head stuck in the fridge looking for something to eat. Since your headphones are in, you don't hear Louis come down the stairs and he doesn't know you are home either. You grab a box of blueberries and shut the fridge. You spin around just as Louis comes into the kitchen with nothing on, not even boxers.

"Louis!" You shout, dropping the blueberries to slap your hands over your eyes. You try to take a step forward but slip on the spilled fruit, sending you flying backwards and landing on your backside.

"Fuck! What the hell are you doing home (Y/N)?" He shouts, using his hand to cover himself and using the other to grab your elbow and pull you off the floor.

"What the hell are you doing naked?" You retort, still shouting and your hands still covering your eyes.

"I don't know, no one was home. So I though, hey..." he shrugs.

"Well now I am home. Could you please put some pants on?" You ask calmly, trying not to vomit at the image in your head.

"Sure sis," he chuckles, kissing you on the head and you shudder. You don't open your eyes until you hear his bedroom door close.

Liam - "(Y/N), Dr. Roberts is asking for you in checkup room four. She says she has a patient with swollen genitals that she'd like you to take a look at," one of the nurses informs you.

"Swollen?" You question. You were a co-op student and Dr. Roberts was your mentor, taking you under his wing and making sure to get you all the experience you could get.

"Yes, apparently he was allergic the latex in a condom and didn't know it."

You suppress a giggle as you walk away, thinking about how anyone could be so stupid. You walk to the closed door of room four and knock before entering.

You walk in and gasp, freezing when you see your younger brother sat on the checkup table. You both stare at each other wide eyed for a split second before you squeal and cover your eyes with the folder you were carrying.

"(Y/N)?" Dr. Roberts questions.

"Um, yes - hi sir... um I should be going," you stammer backing out towards the door.

"Going? This is a great learning opportunity!"

"Doctor... this is uh - this is my brother sir," you say quietly, your face heating up behind the folder. What on earth was Liam doing with a condom? God, you didn't want to know.

"Oh, I see. I understand how this can be awkward, but this is a professional environment so you are welcome to stay and learn," Dr. Roberts offers calmly.

"I'd rather not see my brother's genitals sir. Thank you," you mutter before leaving as quickly as you can. The other nurses laugh at your face when you join them, saying how they would hate to be you.

Harry - You're getting ready for bed and need to get into the bathroom to brush your teeth. The door is closed so you knock.

"What's up?" Your older brother's voice calls through the door.

"I need to brush my teeth," you say.

"You can come in," he says and you open the door.

Everything happens so fast. You see Harry in the tub, you cover your eyes, you turn to run back out the door but slam head first into the wall in your panic.

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