You come home from the military

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this was suggested by @elmo_says_cookies and I fell in absolute love with the idea. Thanks for requesting it x enjoy.

You come back from the military...

Louis (his POV) - The pressure and anticipation I'm feeling is more intense than ever. It's been over a month since I've heard from her, her assignment was classified so I've no idea where she was for the past year. I've only heard from her five times in the time she was away and it's been hard as hell when I fall asleep every night wondering if she's alive.

I'm waiting with a bunch of other families, lovers and friends at the airport terminal, today being the day she's supposed to come back k to me. I don't know if she's going to walk through that door or not, but I know I'm not prepared for either. I'm a bundle of nerves, emotions running high and tears have been suppressed all day.

We wait around while the flight lands and my hope are running high as the first people dressed in camouflage and military uniforms come through the door and are greeted by hugs and tears.

Then I see her. I see every inch of her right in front of me and it's like a rock that's been sitting inside me is finally removed. My smile is brighter than ever and I'm shocked to see her here.


She doesn't even shout my name as she catches sight of me. Her eyes grow wide and I see the relief flooding her face as she realizes that it's all over. She tries to take one more step but her knees buckle and she falls to the ground in a heap of sobs.

I run over to her and people stare as I drop to my knees and wrap my arms around her, letting her know she's safe and at home. Tears fall from my eyes now that I'm finally holding, tears of joys knowing she's okay and that she's here to stay. She buries her face in my chest, clutching onto my shirt.

"I love you, so, so much (Y/N). I'm so happy you've comeback to me," I whisper, sniffling slightly.

"I love you Lou. I missed you so much. Everyday," she mumbles against me, voice sending vibrations through my chest.

"God, I can't believe you're hear..."

We sit like that, holding each other for as long as we can as if we're afraid it's a dream or if we let go it will all fade away. We both cry, relieved to be together again and I hope she never leaves my side.

Eventually I coax her off the ground and we make our way back to my car, her hand help tightly in mine.

Niall - "Ready?" Lou asks you, pulling you into a hug.

You nod, tears already slipping down your face at the sound of his voice. It's been too long since you've felt his arms around you, you've had so many months a part and not nearly enough communication.

You had my return flight from Afghanistan rerouted to Miami where you knew he was preforming. You arrived at the arena an hour into the show just after the boys went on stage. You was greeted by familiar faces and tears as everyone crushed you into a hug and told you they were glad you were safe.

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