Harry Imagine - Part of the family (requested)

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This imagine is for Naya, also known as @LiveLoveDream1D , I hope you enjoy it!

You look around and finally catch sight of Harry as he runs a hand through his messy curls.  He's got on a brown leather jacket and his usual black skinny jeans with a rip in them.  He waves as he makes him way over to you.

"Hey love," Harry smiles brightly as he approaches you.  He pulls you into him by the waist and kisses your lips lightly.

"Eww!" You hear a small voice exclaim and the two of you pull away laughing.

You had just met Harry and his son James at the park so you could spend the afternoon together.  He was only three years old and you and Harry had been dating for just over a year so you were present in his life a lot.

"Say hi to Naya," Harry tells him, pushing him gently towards you.

He runs over, excited to see you, and hugs your legs.  "Hi," he mumbles into them.

"Hey little man!" You say, crouching down and attacking his face with kisses.

He giggles and shrieks and squirms our of your grip.  "Mommy stop!" He shouts. 

You freeze and he squirms out of your grip and takes off running toward the playground.  You're still crouching with your mouth hanging open slightly not believing what you just heard.

You look up at Harry to see if you had heard right, and your thoughts are confirmed by his bright smile and shining emerald eyes.

"Did you-" You start to ask.

"Yeah, yeah I did hear that," he chuckles like he can't believe it.

You stand up and he drapes an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.  "Wow," you mutter as you both stand and watch James play.

You're both silent for a minute as you stand in the cool breeze holding each other close, Harry's body warm next to yours.

"I know he's not mine," you say breaking the silence, "but I kind of always felt like he was."

"Don't say that.  He is yours because you're mine too," Harry says and kisses the top of your head.

"Not quite yet," you joke, pointing to your bare ring finger.

He chuckles and says, "All in time," and kisses your cheek.  "We don't need to be married to be a family."

Family.  That was all you ever wanted with Harry and you already had it.  It hadn't come about how you had expected, but it was a family of sorts.

"I still can't believe he called me mommy," you breath.

"Well I guess James wants you as part of his family as much as I do," he says.

You look up into his bright green eyes an can't help but smile.  You can't imagine being happier.  You lean into him until your lips meet and move in sync as he kisses you sweetly.

"I love you Naya," he mumbles when you pull apart, hugging you closer.

"I love you too," you say nuzzling up to his chest.

Now you couldn't imagine being happier.

hope you enjoyed it!

I'm sorry it's so short but thought it was sweet :)

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