Holiday shopping with him

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Holiday shopping with him...

Niall - "I'm hungry," he whines.

Christmas music plays through the store and too many people mill about doing their annual holiday shopping. You knew the mall would be crowded today but you invited Niall along anyways for some company. Normally he'd come with you and you'd spend only an hour or two at the mall, but you had warned him today would be longer.

"Just five more minutes then we can go to the food court," you tell him over your shoulder as you look through a rack of clothes.

"You said that ten minutes ago," he complains, leaning against a wall and crossing his arms. "Babe, I haven't eaten since lunch -"

"Which was not even an hour ago," you point out, throwing him a clever smirk.

He groans and trudges along behind you through the store. Eventually you tune him out because he doesn't stop complaining that he's hungry or that his feet hurt or that the store smells weird.

"Niall," you sigh, finally having had enough. "Why don't you just go home if you're so miserable? I'll take a cab later," you say and hand him the car keys from your bag.

He stares at you blankly, not reaching out to take the keys from your hand. You shake your head and leave the store with him on your heels.

"I don't want to go home," he says looking confused, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Really? Because you keep complaining, it doesn't seem like you want to be here," you sigh again, taking a seat on a bench and crossing your legs. "I told you we'd be here longer today, why did you say you wanted to come?"

It wasn't only frustrating that he kept complaining, but it also hurt that he wasn't having a good time with you. It was hard to see each other due to his busy schedule as it was so you would expect he'd be happy to spend time together.

"I just wanted to be with you, we hardly see each other," he says quietly, placing his hand on your knee. You look up into his bright eyes and he smiles softly. "I love you, you know that. I didn't mean to be so uninterested, it's just that snapping isn't my thing. I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't want to be here with you."

His eyes hold yours and you can't help but smile as you look at him. You can't stay upset when he's around; its impossible.

"We can go home if you'd like," you smile, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"No, I want to stay."

"Really? Because I don't," you giggle. "This place is crowded. Let's go," you say and stand from the bench. He takes your outstretched hand in his and kisses you on the head as you leave the crowded mall.

Harry - "Babe, slow down," you whine, your little legs trying to keep up with him.

He didn't seem to hear you as he kept on rout to the next store he needed to visit. He was more into this than you were, wanting to stop everywhere and look at everything. He loved the holidays and he loved to look at all the festive things every store had.

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