He scares you

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He scares you...

Niall - You come home after a long day of shopping with your friend and are exhausted.  All the lights are on, but the house is quiet.  Normally you come home to the sounds of the television, guitar or the boys being rowdy.  You know your boyfriend is home but he is nowhere to be seen.

"Niall?" You call as you set down all your bags and hang up your coat.  There's no answer.

"Babe?" You call as you take a few steps into the house.  You're not frightened, just confused.  Where could he be?

You pop your head in every room; kitchen, living room, your bedroom.  Nothing.

You come down the stairs shaking your head, your eyebrows furrowed.  You don't understand it.  You shrug it off; maybe he went for a walk or one of the boys came to pick him up for a night out.

You sit on the couch and flick on the tv, trying to relax.  You're sat for a few minutes watching tv, when you hear a noise behind you.  You turn around and -

"GRRR!!" Niall yells as he jumps over the back of the couch and lands on top of you.

"WHAT THE HELL?" You scream.  Your heart skipped a beat and you had to catch your breath.

Niall is sprawled on the couch laughing at your reaction, "That's what you get for leaving me alone all day," he laughs, his face bright red.

"Oh yeah?" You ask, a smirk on your face.  In one swift move you roll him off the couch and he lands on the floor with thud.  "That's what you get for scaring me," you giggle as he gets up and cuddles you on the couch.

Harry - You've both had a nice, quiet day at home together.  Right now you were making dinner and Harry was upstairs in your room on his laptop probably scrolling through twitter.

You move around the kitchen humming happily to yourself as you go to the fridge and back to the stove.  You're lost in your own little world thinking about the things you've done today, what you have to do tomorrow. 

You're stirring the spaghetti sauce, humming and thinking when - 

"Babe?" Harry says suddenly behind, putting a hand on your waist making you yelp and jump.  The spoon you're holding goes flying, covering you both in sauce. 

You stand, mouth hanging open.  It's silent for a few seconds, then Harry bursts out laughing behind you.  You turn around to see him doubled over laughing, clutching his stomach as his face turns red.  

You can't help but laugh along with him.  He's covered in red splotches, and you look down at your own body to find that you are as well.

"Did I really scare you that much?" He asks when he's caught his breath.  He comes closer to you and takes your hands in his.

"Maybe a little.." you say, your face heating up.

"Awe, don't be embarrassed, love," he says softly, leaning down to press a light kiss to your neck.  "Why don't we go get cleaned up?" He whispers into your ear, making you shiver.

He chuckles and grabs your hand pulling you towards your room.

Louis - "Louis?" You call, and get no response.  You've been sitting on the couch reading a magazine when you realized that things were quiet - too quiet.  You knew that when things were this quiet that your boyfriend was up to something.

You sigh, setting your magazine down and get up to go look around the house.  You make sure to stay quiet and walk on tip toes so you can hear him if he makes a noise.

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