Niall Imagine - Just the beginning (requested)

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This imagine was requested by Honesty or @Honestyyy who requested it via Wattpad! Hope you enjoy it girl x

"Come over."

"Why?" You ask but you grab your keys anyways. You would never pass up an opportunity to hangout with your best friend. You loved spending time with him.

"I'm bored," he sighs and you can almost see his delicate pout.

You laugh and tell him you'll be there in ten minutes. Niall often called you when he was bored to this was nothing new. It was better to be bored together than bored alone.

You drive over to his place dressed in sweats and a T-shirt, no makeup and your hair tied in a messy ponytail. You didn't cafe what you looked like, Niall was your best friend and he didn't care what you looked like either. You hardly ever looked nice around him except when you two were going out in public.

"Hello!" You call as you push open the door, letting yourself in.

"Honesty!" He exclaims, jumping up from the sofa and running to greet you. He has a brilliant smile and his blear blue eyes are shining when he pulls you into a tight hug. His sandy blonde hair is hidden beneath a hat and the lid hits you in the forehead when he pulls you in.

"Ow! Niall, I can't breath!" You laugh and he releases you.

The two of you spend sometime watching a football match on TV and talking about your week. You both start to get hungry and you stand to head to the kitchen.

"Wait, why don't we go out?" Niall suggests, catching your wrist.

"No, I'm not dressed to go out," you laugh and shake your head.

"You look fine, you always do," he sighs and gives you a sweet smile. You roll your eyes and shake your head.

"Nope, no way I'm going out in this," you say and then toward the kitchen.

"Come on, Honesty. Please, I'm craving something deep fried," he whines, hopping up onto the counter. You look up to find him frowning, his bottom lip protruding in a pout.

"Then you go out and bring it back here. I'm not going out in public like this," you sigh again, starting to grow frustrated that he didn't understand.

"Why? You look fine -"

"Niall, I don't want to!" You raise your voice, cutting him off. His eyes grow wide at your outburst and he jumps down from the counter with his eyebrows pushed together.

Niall's POV

He doesn't understand what the big deal is. You always looked amazing to him. The fact that you thought you didn't only wanted to make him prove to you that you did so he kept pressing until you yelled.

"Is this, like, a body image thing? If it is, it shouldn't be. You're beautiful," he says awkwardly and prays you don't see the blood rising in his cheeks.

Since you were his best friend it was easy for him to be close to you, but it was proving harder and harder to hide how he really felt.

"No it's not that," you groan in annoyance. "You just always do this! Nialler, if you want to go out somewhere then tell me before I come over!"

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