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The blinking boards on skyscrapers
Evaporate my existence in vapours

He drives swiftly through city streets
As I rock my body with insane beats

Air rushes through my messed hair
I spread my arms without any care

Neon lights blur past us in soft haze
As I slowly give in to drunken craze

Love birds of New York, not masters
Lost in maze, we're perfect disasters

Exploding through glittering clashes
Colouring ourselves in faint splashes

Towers, elevators, thunders 'n' it's us
How beautifully we survive all mess

For we speed past these bright lights
As if we are left with limited nights

To ride the midnight train to equator
Throw out of our minds, every hater

Leaving crowds behind us to search
Our absence but we will not emerge

From the depth of these blue waters
We're gonna forget hours 'n' quarters

We will escape world 'n' its hoarders
For in love, there'll never be borders

In insanity, we'll take no more, no less
For, at last, we're tasting high madness

Author's Note

Listening to 'Search Party' by Sam Bruno and lovin' it! ♥♡ It's one of the soundtracks of 'Paper Towns' which is a novel-based movie. I haven't watched it but I love the novel! John Green is LOVE. ♥♡

Hope you guys liked the poem. May God forgive me for writing it. It's a disaster but sometimes...
heavenly... ;)

Much Love xX
Hazel *-*

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