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Hey? Hello? Where? Cannot you see?I am on my skateboard that rolls free

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Hey? Hello? Where? Cannot you see?
I am on my skateboard that rolls free

Oh so stand aside 'n' watch me dance
And I swear, I'll leave you in a trance

This stoned pathway adores this play
People staring as I enchantingly sway

How they're chantin', cheerin' for me
They haven't seen a boy loved by glee

For so long, I've espied this town blue
Nothing new, no pride, so I had a clue

I must make my people proud, happy
So I brought a skateboard, here...see?

I explored every nook of my li'l town
Days 'n' nights, in this sand so brown

I rolled and glided the clouds to learn
This magical art for I had glee to earn

Eventually, I was kissed by soft magic
That I didn't know, there was no trick

So I came out in these streets one day
An' showed my art to make them gay

Oh! A layer of felicity traipsed around
I was so being pulled up from ground

They carried me above the shoulders
Finally, of mutual glee, we're holders!

For a simple thing like skateboarding
Can bring a smile so worth recording

Oh so stand aside 'n' watch me dance
For to smile, I'm giving you a chance!

And no need to thank me afterwards
I'll be paid if you give my folks some..
Hugs :)

Author's Note

Listening to 'Don't let me down-Chainsmokers (Illeniun Remix)'.

Some people love to make others smile. Well, that's the best thing to do in this world. Make someone smile and you'll be the happiest person around. :')

This is the story of a boy who learned the art of skateboarding only to make the people of his town happy. Some people are really this selfless. Keep praying that you meet someone like this because it's the best feeling ever. Trust me. ♡♥

Your comments on my previous poem motivated me so much and I found this selfless boy in each of you. I rarely find time to reply to your comments, I haven't been updating my book for so long but just when I did, each and everyone of you was back voting and commenting. You don't know how my heart goes to you all. Hazel loves you dearly and sincerely. May God bless each and everyone of you to make me smile on a day that was so doleful for me. Thankyou for being here for me all the while. Means a lot.. :')❤❤

Much Love,
Hazel *-*

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