Solo Journeys

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I can still recall that soft anticipationThat embraced me at railway station

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I can still recall that soft anticipation
That embraced me at railway station

Back in a bubble of my so lost dream
Days when all I did was goofily beam

While I waited for the train to arrive
Peeking at my watch, it reflected five

Occasionally, my eyes searched 'you'
Oh you were due in moments so few

I planned to buy you choco icecream
Upon seein' you, I let out this scream

I ran into you, giftin' you a nice card
You smiled softly 'n' hugged me hard

An' letting out some emotional tears
Oh I let go of all of my hauntin' fears

For you were back after wait so long
'N' I couldn't imagine anythin' wrong

Your laughter gifted me fascinations
Oh I was so lost in silly imaginations

To notice the other shadow after you
Until she stepped forward, you two?!

You had returned with this new girl?
I couldn't see, my mind was in swirl!

Oh no, do hearts break just like that?
I was this fool to wait, how long I sat

It's been so long, I'm still sitting here
You are long gone an' so is your care

'N' even if I so fell for false promises
I have no trust left in solo...

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