Highest Achievement - #7 in poetry [Oct 3, 2016]
It's delicate, but potent.
The pain from an old wound.
A twinge in your heart..
Far more powerful than memory alone
A feeling of a place
Where we...
-My thoughts. My word...
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there are gold flecks sprinkled over her hair flowing down her back like a river of honey for she spins around 'em those shady hallways 'n' through the ball room visible to mortal eyes as she covers a pirouette sunlight seems to be kissing her silhouette that so dreamy attire of an ever lost ballerina
all wrinkled and fragile her crepe frock ruffles for her soul is dancing due to the madness of it the liberatin' invisibility that's about to set her free so it's goin' to be last time of her performance here in the sunlit hallways as she's about to escape the vision of the world and its low stereotypes
at last she has traipsed her way into the night and has left 'em behind the halls 'n' blindin' light so you can't see her at all as she dances in the street under the rushing rain pouring down heavily on her heavenly frame oh you'd want to see it all how she splashes water while spinnin' in puddles reflecting fairy lights and how she steps down from the roof of the car whose headlights flash through the soft darkness
oh she won't let you see for fear of being judged as a ballerina gone wild in the middle of the night but she knows that still she's as delicate as she is in the blinding sunlight 'cause, oh crowd of mortals, she won't waste her time explaining it to all of you that sometimes wildness can be this delicate too
Author's Note
Been a long time since I last updated. Well, I had lost inspiration due to being occupied with my thesis and final year at university. But here's a new poem now. Thanks to 'Delicate' by Taylor Swift that inspired it. =)❤
It's about a ballerina who has to follow a certain set of codes due to the stereotypes associated with her profession by the society and how she escapes them in the shelter of darkness that comes with the night. Yes, ballerinas have every right to go wild and it doesn't make them any less delicate than the times when they perform on the stage. It's not just about dancers, folks. It's about everyone. Let people be themselves. Don't make them yearn for the darkness of the night to be themselves. Let the sunlight be as welcoming for them. Thank you! *-*
How was this poem? It's after a while that I've tried my hand at poetry. Would love to know your thoughts on it. ^-^