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I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I still yearn to help
               Bind knot of your tie

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I often bake your
               Favourite apple pie

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I'm always waitin'
               Under this vast sky

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I still want to give
               Our love another try

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I can't accept that
               You were a cruel lie

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          You left me on edge
               Of this pain so high

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I still can't believe
               In our lost goodbye

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          Those gone times
               Often make me cry

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          All I can do now is
               To drown in my sigh

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I often crave that
               I had any way to die

I don't know how
     I don't know why
          I have to live with
               Every painful 'why'!

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