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I've been wandering out for so longIs there any place for me to belong?

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I've been wandering out for so long
Is there any place for me to belong?

My fingers always appear to be cold
As they try to hold on to days so old

The mist is creeping inside my bone
How do I survive when you're gone!

We seemed like ever lost crossroads
That meet and part to pull the cords

Cords that leave us eternally bound
So lost in past memories all around

Memories that snatch all remnants
Of glee, throwin' back the moments

Moments caressed by shades of you
Oh they fade away every other hue

Hue of love that used to live nearby
But now it's gone with last goodbye

Goodbye that so wrecks my insides
Drowning me in rush of cruel tides

Tides of tears I can't ever hold back
Reminding me of everything I lack

For I so lack the strength to hold on
In the middle of nowhere, all alone

'Nowhere' that haunts me every day
And leaves me crying for some way

Some way we could blend in hoards
And try once again to fix our...

Author's Note

Listening to 'Holding on and Letting go' by Ross Copperman. This song is LOVE because it always kills me ever so sweetly and leaves me in the middle of 'nowhere'...

'Nowhere', a place where I've always belonged. :')♥♡

Much Love xX
Hazel *-*

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