Wilderness's Call

384 57 23

Do you hear the rushing waterfall
It's the wilderness, listen to its call

It slowly draws you in like magnet
You can't resist this magic, so unlit

Damp leaves weaving in rainforest
Your heart, oh they'll slowly arrest

Crunching grass will then turn on
Nature's melodies, so shy and lone

In this wild universe of mysteries
Floral vines are hanging tapestries

Colorful flowers paint this scenery
Further adorned by lush greenery

Heart of forest has a flowing river
The cold water makes you shiver

Inside the vastness, you feel small
You feel nothing, then you feel all

Birds are chirping this lovely song
You feel like it's where you belong

Slowly you let the depth absorb in
You hold on strings of love, so thin

You adore silence with every piece
Your heart finally feels so at peace

Lost in this web of drunken edges
You see Nature's delicate sketches

Your breath flows smooth 'n' calm
You feel the world is in your palm

Diving into the depths of your soul
Close your eyes for you feel whole

Now you know, if you fear the fall
Come, listen to the wilderness's call

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