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do we get lost in the spray paintsmarring the crystal life of saints,or do we miss a step and go backto our innocence that now faints?

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do we get lost in the spray paints
marring the crystal life of saints,
or do we miss a step and go back
to our innocence that now faints?

do we kiss clouds in the blue sky
floatin' above our reach, so high,
or do we fall back to the ground
and do nothing but say goodbye?

do we touch the shimmer of gold
that's ever so bright, ever so bold,
or do we move back to the pearls
that are so pure, yet ever so cold?

do we embrace everythin' wrong
in this love we've held for so long,
or do we go back to the beginnin'
and try re-writing our love song?

do we lay down on the dirty floor
'n' shut the blinds, close the door,
or do we run away from the stuff
that turns us sore, hurts our core?

do we keep holdin' it, feeling low,
and try to forget all that we know,
or do we bear a tough separation,
turn around, walk away 'n' let go?

Author's Note

Listening to 'Back in my arms' by Carlie Hanson. This poem's about choosing between holding on or letting go, a dilemma that's faced by every human being at one part of life. It's an ordinary poem. :')❤

I wanted to ask you all something. Now that I have limited chapters left, should I write an introduction of this book and add a playlist chapter having all the songs listed in this book? I really wanted to do this for a long time. I wonder why I even started without an introduction. But I have a theory for it and I'll add it to my introduction if I write it. ^-^

So, yes or no?

Much love,
Hazel *-*

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